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problem with thermocouple and v200-18-e4xb

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i have a v700 plc with a v200-18-e4xb module.

i want to use a thermocouple with it.

i've configured visilogic with "T/C type J, no filter, mode °C, OP MI1" (see picture)

i wired it on the analog channel t- and t+

0 andVA are ok with 24vdc (digitals input and output, analog output are ok and functional)

i've set the jumper 3,4,5,6,7,8 on the B position

but when i power on, the MI is 32767

Someone can help me to found why doesn't works ?








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Hello, thanks for answers !

Yes i removed thermocouples'wires for picture. It's to show all other things are ok.

i've used t- and t+ for channels 0 and 1. i tryed to reverse wires but nothing's better.

withe wire on the t- and black wire on the t+

I read the doc and understand that input value deviates greatly but why ?

i don't see where the 12 or 14 bits resolution may be selected by software (point 7 of the doc)... maybe that's the pb...

an idea ?




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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Joss said:

i don't see where the 12 or 14 bits resolution may be selected by software (point 7 of the doc).

That's only for the 0-10V, 0-20mA, & 4-20mA analog inputs. It doesn't apply to thermocouples. Thermocouples have resolution to a tenth of a degree.

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  • MVP 2023

You've already mentioned that you set the jumpers - they are correct. 

Verify you have +24V on terminals VA and 0V on the other side of the module.

As a sanity check, put a jumper wire between T+ and T- on channels 0 and 1.  This should give you ambient temperature in tenths of a degree.

Let us know.

Joe T.

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Hello !

Everything is ok !

Another guy working with me on the project unplugged the 0V wire on the power after the first tests with analogic outputs... so thermocouples wiring doesn't work.

We modified this and now, all is functional.

Use the thermocouples values is easy with visilogic.

Thanks for help


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