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How to get Help with Unitronics Products: Do's & Don'ts

Cara Bereck Levy

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How to get Help with Unitronics Products


  • Check the Help file. Press F1 to open the Help. Use the Table of Contents, Index, and Search function to find information.

  • Look at the Example programs:
    Download examples via the Help tab.

    UniLogic Sample Apps.png

    Examples are installed with your program.

    VisiLogic Examples.png

  • View our how-to videos for: UniLogic  |  VisiLogic   | U90 Ladder.
  • Search the forum.


  • Post in the forum—if you haven't found your answer.  
    Be nice.  
    Did someone respond?
    Thank them.
    Ask you a question?
    Please—respect the community. Most of the people here are volunteers!

When you DO post, please:

  • Include Software Version and Controller Model.
  • Describe your problem - clearly.
  • Your project - attach it to your post, via the Attach icon.   
    This enables people to open, for example, the TCP/IP CARD INIT block to check your settings.
    If you cannot post it, make sure your captures show enough information.  
  • Pictures of function blocks without the corresponding dialog boxes are usually worthless.


  • Don't be afraid to try different ways to solve your problem before posting.  Faulty
    code will not break your PLC.  Experiment! You will learn - and probably have fun.
  • Don't expect ready-made code to solve your problem.
    Every situation is different.  You will have to work - but we will try to help you.


  • Answer questions - ALL the questions. There is a reason for every question asked. 
  • Thank the people who help you.
  • Report on how you resolved your problems—this helps other people in the community.

Contacting Unitronics Support

You can:

We all make mistakes. Good luck, and happy programming!


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  • 4 years later...
Guest koko
Dear .
We have one issue with your product and so want to get suggestions from you. We  used 3 pairs of flow meters and control units in our products manufacturing. We faced an issue on one pair of flow meter and control units which is that the result that got from the control unit did not match with the flow meter's value. Could you kindly suggest how we can solve this issue?
pls contact this email -  email hidden by moderator to protect poster.
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  • MVP 2023

koko, this question needs to be shifted to the correct forum area. But to do this, and also help with answers, we need to know what are the model numbers of the  Unitronics PLC and other I/O attached.

Also, I have deleted your email from your original post.  It is not good practice on the forum to have personal emails up for all to see.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
11 hours ago, DanT said:

Moderator :  Post to a better location -


11 hours ago, Ausman said:

koko, this question needs to be shifted to the correct forum area. But to do this, and also help with answers, we need to know what are the model numbers of the  Unitronics PLC and other I/O attached.


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