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When using the Variable ASCII String with Keypad Entry, the new big keyboard does show but not correctly, it seems that it's 0,0 location starts on the display at 320,320 so the whole keyboard is not displayed and is overlapping to the left of the display as well.


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Which VisiLogic version you're using?

Which controller?

What are the versions of System files?

Can you try to load again system files from Boot mode?

Hi Emil,

According to the info from the V1040, when I press the Version button, and then the Software button;

Firmware: 003.003.03 Dec 27 2010

Boot: 002.002.05 Dec 8 2010

Bin library: (0) 003.010.00

Factory boot: 001.003.04 Nov 28 2010



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Hi Deke,

You may want to check the values in SI 244 and SI 245.

From the Help file:

- You can control the coordinates, and therefore the position of the Numeric keypad and Alarm screen.

Use the new SIs: SI244 X Coordinates, Num Keypad/Alarm screen and SI245 Y coordinates Edit these values to move these elements to the desired location.

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Please download the latest version VisiLogic 9.2.0 from our website:

www.unitronics.com --> support --> downloads

You will need to be running at least OS version 3.3(23) for the ASCII keypad to function properly.

Well I found the problem why the keypad not showing correct.

Originally I had Visilogic installed on my C: Drive (2 Solid-Sate Drives in Raid), after running the remove current version when installing version 9.2.0 I choose a different destination, to my D: Drive (4 250gb in Raid), when doing this not everything got installed, hence the problem with the keypad. So I uninstalled everything from both drives, even the directory in the common files (had to change security). Then started fresh, and installed to my C drive again, this time it worked as I had too update the OS on my V1040 and now the keypad shows up perfect, it's very nice too :rolleyes:. However now I have a new problem, I keep getting the Error Invalid Tools Collection Index and it crashes.

Any suggestions?


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If you are using Windows Vista/7, you need to Disable/Turn Off the UAC (User Account Control) in Control Panel

Follow then attached DOC.

VisiLogic & UAC Windows7 Reinstall Instructions.pdf

Hi R.Mozes,

I re-installed again this time with the UAC set all the way down (completely off), before I was one notch up, now all is good, no more errors. :rolleyes:

Thanks all,


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