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NEW Visilogic Version to what O/S list

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  • MVP 2023

New, much better information now added further down.  12th May 2021.

Hi all, I recently asked the creators the question, and the list below was forthcoming.  It makes things a little easier to get onto the correct version of Visilogic using Swapper if you are working on an unknown program, as you can find the O/S fairly easily whilst online.

Flex suggests that good programmers always put the Visi and O/S versions somewhere within their .vlp!!   Well......sometimes we excellent programmers on this forum fail to make things easier for when we've forgotten what we did years ago!  Or have somehow inconveniently lost a crucial file that lists such things!

cheers, Aus



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  • MVP 2023

Ask nicely and the gurus will deliver.

Attached is the xlsx that arrived courtesy of Cara and the Creators.

It is a much better listing and is a "Must Have" for everyone here.

I pondered printing it as a pdf, but decided to leave it as the provided Excel (with some details stripped out), so that people can manipulate listings themselves if needed.  You might have to do some security changes on the file to do so.

Thanks again to Cara and the Creators.  🙃

cheers, Aus


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  • MVP 2023
11 hours ago, kratmel said:

In table do not present my favorit 9.8.65, no changes from 64, or changes is only in Visilogic?

I'm pretty sure 9.8.65 is identical in this respect to 9.8.64. As I recall, there was a minor issue with 9.8.64 that was quickly corrected by rolling out 9.8.65.

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