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Communication error when trying to download program onto V130-33-TR6 with settings that already worked.

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After downloading my program onto the PLC I'm working with I had to revise it a few weeks later and went back to download the new version, but now it's giving me a comms error no matter what I try and do to fix it. I've tried every baud rate, multiple ports on my PC, checked jumpers (which from what I can see are correct but always seem to be a point of error for me), and tried a blank program as opposed to the one I want to download.

Connection is PC USB -> MJ 10-22-CA25 adapter, all hardware is the same as the initial upload.

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  • MVP 2023

Have you tried other cables?  (the first thing to try.....you wouldn't believe the coincidences and subsequent frustrations that happen with a cable failure!!)

Did your program change anything relating to the com port?

What is the com port showing in info mode?

Can you access it at all in boot mode?

Have you tried doing a full reset of the plc using info mode and then loaded your original progam back in after doing everything else needed?

cheers, Aus

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17 hours ago, Ausman said:

Have you tried other cables?  (the first thing to try.....you wouldn't believe the coincidences and subsequent frustrations that happen with a cable failure!!)

Did your program change anything relating to the com port?

What is the com port showing in info mode?

Can you access it at all in boot mode?

Have you tried doing a full reset of the plc using info mode and then loaded your original progam back in after doing everything else needed?

cheers, Aus

So I have not tried a second cable, although I did double check this cable on another PLC which worked as expected. So I can definitely try a new one.

The program does not affect it to my knowledge.

I have to test these next 3 things, will report back with my results soon.

14 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Uh oh, is this a problem with Windows updating something? Try to re-install the driver for your USB to serial driver.

Tried reinstalling the drivers, checking for updates, all that good stuff. The wire still works on the other PLC I have here so it doesn't seem like it's a PC issue.

5 hours ago, stembera said:

In case of problems with serial ports, it is often useful to try to download program when PLC is STOPPED (you can do it from INFO mode).
If you are in troubles with COM port init, try to load "Last known good" version of your software from SD card. It helped me sometimes.

Will test this and report back, thank you to everyone for the tips. Hopefully one of these is the culprit.

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  • MVP 2023

Try Stemberra's suggestion before doing my full reset....which is a little akin to reinstalling Windows!  But not too hard and time consuming.


16 hours ago, C_R_PLC said:

The program does not affect it to my knowledge.

Just making sure that you fully understood this.  You have no com init in your program at all?  It still sounds to me like you have something in your program that is altering the com port settings.

cheers, Aus

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Okay so I have double checked both the cable and the program itself and I don't believe those are the issues.

In INFO mode the COMM port details are:

COM1 - RS232
Prtcl: PCOM
lgn Brk: N
Settings: 9600 ,8,n,1,N
Tx/Rx: 00000 00000
Silence: 8.75ms

In INFO mode I am not seeing a way to reset the PLC or STOP the PLC, is there something I'm missing with that? I don't actually have an SD card unfortunately to use that function so if that's the only way to do it I'll have to go out and get one.

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  • MVP 2023

It appears that you are using a usb to serial adapter.

On 2/20/2019 at 5:19 AM, C_R_PLC said:

Connection is PC USB -> MJ 10-22-CA25

The port settings that info mode is showing should work ok, so the only other thing that might be sus is........

Is the adapter showing correctly in device manager when you plug it into the usb port? Ensure that the com settings  everywhere......device manager, Visilogic match perfectly to what is needed, sometimes this cures isses.  And ensure that you haven't accidentally changed the comm type in Visi itself...you should be using Serial on whatever port it shows up at.  Hmmmm. perhaps that is the issue.  Wondering if something has upset the port numbering so Visi is now trying on the wrong port.  Ensure that the port number showing in Device Manager is the one in your Visi comms settings.  If that doesn't work,  I'd uninstall the usb adapter completely.....take out the drivers too, and then reinstall it in the correct order it says to with the drivers it came with.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

I have the same problem with second hand V120. After some manipulation with no result i disconnect the battery for some time.  After that i make the hard reset. 

For V130 it is possible solution

By the way i see in visilogic for new vision SB314 bit. This bit lock visilogic communication. In V130 it is no comment for this bit.

I do not  know it active or not for V130.

But it is possible that bit is accidentally set in project and make problem with communication without any note.


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  • MVP 2023

Kratmel, SB314 is the same for 130s.  Whenever I have no comms it is one of the first things I check, but in this case I dismissed it given the problem's description.   But it would be worthwhile for CRPLC to actually check it via info mode...just to make sure it is OFF and, as you say, it hasn't been accidentally set to ON.

cheers, AUs

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Having read thru this,  just a few notes from my experiences and having a V130 beside me to play with :

V130-Info Mode,  Com 1  Baud rate seems   low at 9600,   --  Using any  Modbus or Other Serial Protocols?

         Normal Com1  Baud rate is 57,600    

         Was this changed in the program with a Com Init ?

        Have you looked at the Com 1 Buffers  in Info Mode?  ( Serial Option 2)     +/-   will clear the buffer  

                 Try the standard   Get PLC Info      Com Buffer should be similar to this :        /00DED*     when successful


V130- Info Mode  - System - Mode   with show the RUN, Stop, Reset,  Init   Options


Changed the Com Jumpers in the PLC to RS485?


   Also In the in  Visilogic     Communication - PC Settings  

         Communicate with OPLC   --   Direct Selection has the Dot  beside it.

     Try a longer time out      2,4,6,10 seconds.

     Checked the cable from the CS25 Module to the PLC?    Is it 4 Wire, rings out OK ? 

            ( A   2  wire cable will NOT  Work because the grounds are missing !)  


If you are using a USB Adapter with the CS25, Adapter drivers up to date?

    Same adapter as when you first programmed the PLC ?  or is this one different?

    ( I have good adapters that  work on Windows 7,  but NOT on  Windows 10 - because of Picky Microsoft,

               So I also have USB Adapters specific for Windows 10( and Marked them)  )

     ( All adapters I have  are from the same brand, and same models! - just older and newer versions )









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