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  • MVP 2023

You should have a Hide bit on the confirmation button which is Set at power up. Have logic when pressing the original button to Reset the Hide bit for the confirmation button. Pressing the confirmation button will then Set the Hide condition again.

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My process is a machine of cure UV. I use LDR's for monitor the lamps. Sometimes the user go reset the hour cont for exchange the lamps and maintenance. 

When the user click in button the " RESET_L1" i need a condition, a confirmation if  user have assurance of action, " Yes or not". 

If "YES", confirm the action.

If 'NOT", return the previous page.

I will post the program for understand better.

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  • MVP 2023

First of all, you've got too many logical statements in each network, and you've done it throughout your program.  It can cause the program to compile in a way that is not predictable.

This is wrong:


This is the right way to do it:


Notice there's only one output per network.  There is no limit on the number of networks you have.  Now you may come back and say "It compiles without errors so I'm going to leave it alone".  Yes, it probably will compile but go back to my first statement - it may not operate the way you think it should.  There are other posts on this forum where that is exactly what happened.  I can't force you to go back and separate all your networks but I obviously highly recommend it.

Enough criticism - on to your question.

Use each reset button to set a bit, and then call the confirmation display.  The Yes and No buttons continue or cancel the reset operation and return.  I've added a subroutine called "Confirm Reset" and a display to your project for the first reset.  You can do the rest.

Take a look and let us know if it's what you're looking for.

Joe T.






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