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Good day,

Please find attached some images with the problema that occurs at the time of oppening a Project in VisiLogic versión 9.8.65. The first error that appears is the "Load 12Type mismatch" and when you click to the "Ok" button and try to open another display it appears the second message "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch".

I have read a post where the response was to put a DLL in the VisiLogic folder. I have tryed this solution but it does not work (post was from 2015 and other VisiLogic versión).

Let me know if you have some solution!

Thank you,



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On 4/24/2019 at 1:18 AM, Cam said:

What happens if you use version swapper to re-register the version of Visilogic you want to use?

Hello Cam,

Can you explain me how can I do it? I need to download the version swapper of the main program version and then open with it or how?

Thank you

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