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Modbus Cable: RJ45 - RJ11 Cable Pin-Out?

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Hi All,

I want to control an Invertek VSD using Modbus communication similar to link below.  I need a cable connect the drive to the V570 which needs a RJ45 on drive end and RJ11  on V570 end.

Does anybody know the pinout of the RJ45 - RJ11 cable please? Thanks in advance...




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  • MVP 2023

I found this in one minute by googling Invertek VFD pinouts, going to the second suggestion that was the manual 82-P2MAN-IN Optidrive P2 User Guide V1.20.pdf and looking at the index, which clearly showed RJ45 connector pin assignment.   Looked at other units and it appears they all use the same style.


There is also a topic on the forum:  



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