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Self Service Car Wash

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Hello community. 
I come to your attention with a problem that I have for some time. 
I bought an installation for a full self service car wash. 
When I saw the installation before buying everything was in order and I decided to buy the installation, following which the seller deals with disconnecting the installation and loading it into the truck for transport. When the laundry facility came to me I noticed several cables disconnected and I do not know how to connect them. 
I will attach exemplary pictures with the washing machine. I would like to mention that I have no programming or automation knowledge. I was wondering if you can help me by pointing out how I can check and reconnect the electrical cables.



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As you can see in this picture you can also see two electric cables, one green and the other yellow. As far as I can see on the connecting bar next to the numbers 39, 40 is marked with a black marker. Which cable corresponds to the number 39 and which cable corresponds to the number 40?


In the second picture you can see a wave wismo device in which a phone card is inserted, for sending automatic messages from the information found on the Internet.


For this PLC Vision 120 can I make an internet connection for car wash management?


I mention that I never connected to this plc vision120 and I do not know what it is learned to do.


If one of my colleagues can provide useful information I am grateful.




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  • MVP 2023

This is kind of a mess.  None of the wires in the panel are labeled, although it looks like it was constructed well enough.

You need a wiring diagram for this thing to answer your questions.  You also need to figure out what's on the other end of the device cables and what color is connected to what.

Can you get any information from the original manufacturer?  Or was that the seller?  Did the seller take any pictures before it was disassembled?

The V120 has the ability to send and receive text messages, which is what the cellular modem is for.  It's not really "internet capable".

It may be possible to determine the functionality of the system by uploading the program from the V120 an analyzing it.

Joe T.

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4 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

This is kind of a mess.  None of the wires in the panel are labeled, although it looks like it was constructed well enough.

You need a wiring diagram for this thing to answer your questions.  You also need to figure out what's on the other end of the device cables and what color is connected to what.

Can you get any information from the original manufacturer?  Or was that the seller?  Did the seller take any pictures before it was disassembled?

The V120 has the ability to send and receive text messages, which is what the cellular modem is for.  It's not really "internet capable".

It may be possible to determine the functionality of the system by uploading the program from the V120 an analyzing it.

Joe T.

I have no additional information and no wiring diagrams to help me. The old owner bought the car wash and bought new equipment. From what I can tell, the PLC Vision120 is used I think for management and fault warnings only.
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  • MVP 2023

I agree with Joe that it looks well constructed.

Given that you have no other info, and your own knowledge and skills are limited, my suggestion is for you to find a local electrician/mechanical services person/tradesman.  Anyone competent will figure these connections out in no time at all when onsite.  Using such a person would also be beneficial for you when you have an inevitable maintenance or failure issue, as they would know the machine already through this involvement.

I know this is not what you want to hear from the forum, but as you say you lack the skills yourself, then you need to have a good relationship with someone who does, who you can rely on in the future.

On the Wismo, in theory you are going to need a new SIM for it.   No use leaving the old owner's one in it!  Also, it looks like it might be a GSM only version, so you would have to check what is available now and in the future in your area.

cheers, Aus

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The Adapter in the image is the older EX-A1, and the cable was the  EX-CA100   -- not polarized.

If the  Adapter was changed to an EX-A2X,   then the EXL-CAB100 must be used, as it is "polarized"  and ends are labeled   PLC and Adapter.



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