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UniLogic to PLC communication


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  • MVP 2023

I don't think the examples are going to help here.  Did you ask for assistance from the company you bought the product from?

If they can't help, first you have to set up the Ethernet address and enable the VNC server on the USC-B5.  Have you done this part?

Then you go to UniApps on the USL and point the VNC client at the USC's Ethernet address.

If you've done any kind of program already upload it here so we can have a look.

Joe T.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Starlord_94, sorry about that, and @Joe Tauser, you'are right <sarcasm_deserved>
I added a note to the UniStream Display topic, and to the other VNC topics:

"To enable VNC Server on a UniStream Controller and set Passwords via UniLogic, click
Passwords on the Solution Explorer." 
with a clickable link to show exactly where that is.

Thanks for posting!

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  • 1 year later...

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