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SAMBA SM43 Alarm display

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  • MVP 2023

Unfortunately, no.

The Alarm Display is a fixed entity and it's properties are not editable.

If you are new to Unitronics, you'll figure out soon enough that the new UniLogic products get all of R&D's attention.  Vision has been around for 15 years and it's features are very static.

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

Vision has been around for 15 years and it's features are very static.

As I understand it, it's because there is no more room in the firmware for major changes or additions to the PLC line. To increase the space would require re-engineering the product line and every previous Vision PLC sold would instantly become obsolete.

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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

The Alarm Display is a fixed entity and it's properties are not editable.

Maybe only language can be changed via String Library from 1536 to 1584 rows.
But  appropriate font with the same as default font parameters must be installed.

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