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V130 Exp Port Output Issues

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Hey folks,

Totally new here, and certainly not well versed in these units.

I'm currently running a Vision V130->Ex-A2X Explansion Module->an IO-D116.  Problem is my current V130 is giving issues with the directional buttons on the HMI.  It's in a washdown environment and likely some corrosion over the years.  It's still semi functional, just troublesome for the machine operators.

So, ordered up a new V130 unit to swap out.  Had the program loaded on, and began the swapout (same model for same model).  Expected it should have been easy enough.

Problem is that when I install the new module I'm not getting any signal at the Expansion Module.  Swap the units out, and no problem.  Put the new one back in, same problem.

Am I missing a setting to prompt the output to the EXP PORT on the V130?   The current unit could die at any time now and we'd be into a shut down at the plant.  Any suggestions would be welcome!




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As Flex says, it might be a hardware setting, but this should be carried over in the project. 

Did Visilogic do any "update" on your original project at any stage during your working on reloading your project?  Since you last worked on it?

If it did, it might be an update change that has affected things.  Go into info mode on the exisiting 130 and look at details listed under O/S etc and compare to the new one with your newly loaded program.  Advise back.

I'm assuming that the swapping out is not having power supply, connector forgotten, bleedin' obvious smack head issues etc.  :)

cheers, Aus

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Hi DaveH

The configuration should have downloaded with the program you have.

Also remember that when you download the program to a new PLC you will need to manually enter any setpoints or timer values unless they are assigned power up values.

All registers will be set to 0 unless the have power up values. After download power down and restart the PLC.


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