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v700 Touch screen stop working after downloading program

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Has anyone encountered a situation like this?

The touchscreen just stop working after downloading a new program. I can use the remote access tool but not the HMI.

I tried to init and reset from the communication settings, and now I am unable to connect to the PLC since the IP got reset.. 🤦‍♂️

I will try to connect thru the USB port and reinstall the OS again.

Any suggestions?


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1 hour ago, Flex727 said:

Try downloading a BLANK program, Initialize & Reset, check for touchscreen functionality, then download your program again.

I will try in a momment, since i could lost connection over ethernet port again I need to downlad some files firstha (The cabinet has no door and practically I need help of maintanance to dissasembly the machine again to connect over usb if the blank projec does not work 😅).

Is there a good reason to believe that a blank project will solve this or is just a general recommendation?. 

I was able to enter to info mode and  calibration mode for the touchscreen using the remote operator but still no luck triying to get the HMI working again.

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12 minutes ago, Fernando Castro said:

I was able to enter to info mode and  calibration mode for the touchscreen using the remote operator

Then you should be able to adjust the settings to allow you to connect over Ethernet. And yes, I have had that procedure solve the problem in the past.

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1 hour ago, Gabriel Franco said:

As you can connect remotely, check SI9, also take a look to SB16, SI40, SI41 to verify touchscreen and LCD operation 

I already have looked at SB16, SI40, SI41  0,-1,-1.. SB19 I will look after I could restore communication since already downloaded a blank project to the PLC what does SI 19 stores?


The blank project did not work.



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It worked!! after the blank project was not working but since i needed to dissasembly the front panel to have access to the usb port i cut the power, then installed the usb cable, after I turned the power back on I tried to enter info mode again and it worked... maybe after the blank project needed a power reset too to complete the "reset"? 

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