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Another problem with VisiLogic 9.8.91

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  • MVP 2023

Flex, I'd first be checking your winupdate history to see if something came through recently without you knowing that may have upset things. Kick it out if a timing coincides and see what happens. 

If that doesn't work then consider the merits of doing a relevant system restore after doing a full image.  (Side mention:  I use a little Toshiba DTB440 on a USB3 port for my instances of this sort of thing, it sits at 1 Gb/s using Macrium, so doesn't take long.  Reading reviews of this storage you find all sorts of horror stories but I use a few in different locations and have never had an issue.  But I do treat them carefully)

I'm also just wondering if somehow your run as admin status has been upset.  I'd go through all your Version Swapper "masters in use" and check that the run as admin tickbox is on for them.  Perhaps even untick them, try to run, close, then tick them again.  Or maybe even replace all the "in use" ones with your masters.  I'm assuming you are still using the "Master" method discussed ages ago,

cheers, Aus

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15 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Every time I download a project into a PLC, and sometimes when I open a project file, I get this error message:


I can just click OK and everything proceeds normally, but what is this telling me?


Same here when opening a project file (almost every time and on multiple PCs).

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