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Data tables save the last parameter with another "time"


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Hi there.

I have a problem with a data table.  I adquire the values of some variables in real time (presure and temperature) . and those are saving in a data table to after going to be printed.

But sometimes my program save the last parameter with another "time"

Example is the here



the las rung has a diferent time. the time should be 3 minutes after of the last rung.

It is a no repetible o predictible problem... sometimes it ocurrs

and here is a correct  data table.


i am programming with unilogic 1.29.

I hope that someone could help me with this issue.

thanks in advance.

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  • MVP 2023

I looked at your question and said to myself: I have already seen something similar on the forum! A little search ...


Regarding the problem - you must understand that other times in the report are possible under the following conditions:

1) the event really happens at this "wrong" time;

2) the program code has the ability to read time from an inappropriate source - ie not from the RTC, but from another place;

3) time is calculated according to timer readings and RTC is not taken into account;

4) something bad is happening in the process of communication between the Panel and the CPU (where exactly the RTC is located).


By the way, you did not specify the type of PLC you use.

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  • MVP 2023

I was just about to write Kratmel's Point 1.  To me it looks like your row 13 is occasionally not being written to correctly, if at all, resulting in a previous reading still being there.  Have you compared previous tables to see if there is a match? 

Are you fully clearing the data table before each new write? If not, do some programming to make this happen, and then see what happens.  If row 13 then occasionally appears as empty, that is a good pointer to the issue.

cheers, Aus

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