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List of Images screen refresh

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  • MVP 2023

I'm trying to figure out if this is something new or just something I failed to notice in the past. I am using VisiLogic 9.8.96 on a V700. When I have a List of Images element on the HMI screen and the image changes, the entire screen refreshes, not just the one element. This does not happen with a Binary Image element.

This is very noticeable because it is a complex screen and it takes about a full second to refresh the screen - it's very visible and annoying.

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  • MVP 2023

I encountered similar problems on the V1040 panel.

After contacting the Unitronics support, I received information that i can use SI246 for improvement. I increased the number written there (4) to 10 - it helped. I do not know whether this parameter affects the V700. However, it is worth trying.


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  • MVP 2023

Thanks for the suggestion, kratmel. I tried it and it didn't appear to change anything. It appears to not do it all the time, but when it does it looks exactly like an SB 31 screen refresh. I have isolated it to a bit of code:


MB 3141 (rung 20) will (in another subroutine) cause the HMI element to change. When triggered by TD 80 (or even a test bit placed in the rung), the screen refresh happens. But when I'm online and manually SET MB 3141, the screen refresh does not happen. It's consistent. I'm still working through all the possible permutations.

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  • MVP 2023

So....take MB3144 and TD81 out of the rung and see what happens, but I acknowledge this might upset the running ok in the first place. 

Alternatively, step through things as it appears something else is becoming involved that is initiating a refresh on a host of things.

Or indeed there is a bug in 8.96!!

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

Analyzing what you said and that piece of code, I came to the conclusion that the set from the scan time of the code, the setting of the timer and the way of handling the rising edge from the timer make it so that the variable that should toggle on the display screen does so just after the screen refresh is complete.

That is, the process of changing the variable took place, but the OS did not receive the command to update the display with the variable. After some time, analyzing the state of the variables on the screen and seeing that there is a problem, OS starts a full refresh.

I think that the solution to the problem lies in moving the location of the subprogram where the display is updated in the main program.

That is, it should be before the subroutine where your MB 3141 is set.

But this is just my hypothesis.

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  • MVP 2023
17 hours ago, Ausman said:

So....take MB3144 and TD81 out of the rung and see what happens, but I acknowledge this might upset the running ok in the first place. 

I did exactly that. No change.

15 hours ago, kratmel said:

I think that the solution to the problem lies in moving the location of the subprogram where the display is updated in the main program.

I had that thought as well. I changed the subroutine run order to reverse the operations. Again, no change. I had the subroutine where MB 3141 goes high coming after the subroutine where the HMI element is changed. I moved it to before so that MB 3141 going high and the HMI element changing occurs in the same scan, but the only difference it made was that I was unable to force MB 3141 high from VisiLogic while online. Strangely, forcing MB 3141 high while online does not cause the screen refresh, but forcing it high with TD 80 or with a test bit inserted into the rung did. What I'm not sure of is what exactly is the timing of the online interaction of VisiLogic within the order of all the scan operations.

I think both of you are headed in the right direction. I have a few more permutations to run through to narrow this down and I'll let you know what I find. Thanks for your help!

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