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SCADA options for an V700

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Hello everyone, thank you for your interest.

I have a plant operating perfectly with a V700, but now the client is asking me if I can represent the HMI (many of its variables) in a SCADA system.

I would like to know if you have experience integrating V700 with a new SCADA system and what are the most advisable SCADA options.

Thank you very much.

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  • MVP 2023

Absolutely. I've done this dozens of times. Simply modify the PLC program to be a MODBUS TCP slave on port 502 (or the port of choice), set up the other Ethernet parameters needed for comms,  and have the SCADA administrator connect to the PLC over Ethernet. Provide the SCADA system with the addressing for anything desired to be displayed and you're done. Easy peasy.

There are example projects that came with your VisiLogic installation that show how to do this.

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  • MVP 2023

All you need is a Modbus TCP driver.  I am 99% sure that all SCADA packages have this driver available, as Modbus is one of the oldest industrial protocols.

We use InduSoft Web Studio, now called AVEVA Edge.  Many people in the US use Ignition.  I don't know what's popular in your part of the world, but I would just ask around.

Joe T.

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whatever SCADA software you want.... the more appropriated question is what SCADA software your client can afford?

If your client only needs visualization, it may not need to be necessarily a SCADA software. I implemented a visualization system using this stack:  Grafana, Influx DB, Telegraf

to monitor an entire facility.  Everything open sourced.

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