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Welcome to Unitronics' Support Forum! 
You are welcome to browse as our guest--or sign up to join the discussion.  If you are new to Unitronics' award-winning All-in-One PLC + HMI programmable controllers and software, we invite you to visit our website.


  1. Come on in!

    Welcome to Unitronics' Support Forum! 
    You are welcome to browse as our guest--or sign up to join the discussion.  If you are new to Unitronics' award-winning All-in-One PLC + HMI controllers and software, we invite you to visit our website.

     The forum is not the official Unitronics support channel - it is manned by volunteer users and sometimes gets visited by Unitronics employees. To contact Unitronics support directly you can:

    • Use the Support Portal to open a support ticket http://support.unitronics.com/index.php
    • Write to our Support team at support@unitronics.com

     For the complete How to Get Help, click here.

    Enjoy - this is truly a great community!

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