Hey Y'all,
Just a follow-up in case anyone cares..😵
Figured this out a few months back, and shared with Cara, but in case anyone else cares..
Turns out, this warning sign on my end all relates to my retirement a few years back, my log-in was originally attached to my work email, which no longer exists.
Apparently somewhere along the line, Unitronics sent an email to my old work address to validate me, and since I didn't respond, they stuck this warning on my account that only I could see..
A very confusing aspect of the Modbus protocol is that they refer to 16 bit registers as 4xxxx addresses. But you leave out the 4 when actually talking to the device.
Also - the original Modbus protocol starts counting at 1. Most Modbus simulators follow the Modicon Directive and use 1-based addresses. At some point Unitronics and a whole lot of other vendors decided they knew better and since 0 is a valid location in bit addressing then it should work for the Modbus protocol. So they started counting at 0 - you may or may not have to subtract 1 from the published address of the device you are talking to in order for Unitronics Modbus to work.
Short answer - try a starting address of 8192 in your Modbus RHR block.
Joe T.