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Posts posted by Ausman

  1. Kratmel and Flex questions very pertinent and if none fix, some other points to ponder. 

    So you can't access it at all, even with Visilogic simply using Get OPLC Information in Connection?  I'm thus assuming that you have the reinit as part of your coding, initiated by screen, which then resurrects everything?

    No VFDs or poorly shielded interference going on?

    Is it only on a LAN, or does it involve use of WAN?  And static address there, or dynamic?   If the dropout is occuring around certain times I'd check the router settings.  I once had a forgotten instruction in a router such that when it did an auto-reboot, it upset comms to only the PLC.  Took lots of inspecting settings pages to pick it up, which resulted in much personal grumbling  afterwards.  🙂

    cheers, Aus


  2. As you can communicate via 232, in theory you can use U90 to try and get the program out of the unit for you to then examine.  If successful, I am guessing that one of the inputs is used to monitor whether power of a certain type is on, and this is raising what I think will be a screen that is part of the user program in the unit.  As Alex says, not quite enough detail.

    U90 has lots of help to assist your learning.

    cheers, Aus

  3. Without the password you are in trouble.  However, was the Visilogic programming done using a company computer that still exists?  If so, the actual project might still be in the computer, and you will then have a copy.  

    Check the name of the project in the PLC by using Info mode to try and match it up to any remaining projects in the computer.  Use the Help file in Visilogic to find out how to access Info mode.  But Info mode might also have a non-standard password, it all depends on what the original programmer did.

    Also check whether there is a project copy on the mini SD card if one is fitted in the PLC.

  4. I also suggest that you take a look at deriving your time by using a 1.25 or 2.5mS Interrupt Routine.  Bearing in mind all of Joe's comments, using the Interrupt might  give you better accuracy.  In some ways it is likely easier to implement, too. 

    Look up Interrupt in the Help index, and then go to Interrupt Routines.  You could easily implement both measures concurrently to let the PLC show it's own comparisons over a week or so.  I suspect that you will find the Interrupt will be better accuracy, but it would be interesting to know the result.

    cheers, Aus

  5. Please also note that if you are simply showing a countdown for people to observe, Kratmel's answer is perfect. 

    But if the 130 is actually controlling the fan's run time, the ideal method of doing this is for the timer to be linked to the fan control output with a little ladderwork.  Having 2 separate timers running for essentially the same thing will work, but is not ideal in case the fan output is turned off for some reason.  In that case the timer will still be implying the fan is running.

    cheers, Aus

  6. 9 hours ago, Jhav said:

    i am using the pump control at another location in the program but i toggle that off and it runs fine.

    Without knowing more, to me this is the answer to your issue.  You have 2 things controlling 1 thing.  Don't forget that in ladder, the last active reference  to an output is the one that will be used.

    cheers, Aus

  7. 16 hours ago, gkovacs said:

    Yes, I have fully read it and that is why I had my questions about Modbus.

    The Slave Address table that Joe posted is part of the Help page I asked you about.  Rather than do screenshots I thought it would be wise for you to know the page location for an indepth read. 

    Help generally has all the info one needs, but sometimes does need deep digging.

    cheers, Aus

  8. And to top off the info from Flex and Fernando, it looks like you want to use ON status for your controls so you end up with all 8 MBs ON., instead of one ON shifting along through the MBs like I thought.

    To easily restart such a sequence, use 16MBs and vector fill.  Do 2 fills in your "turning off" action.  1 fill is 1 to  the adjacent 8 MBs, the other fill sets your controlling MBs to 0, and then leave fill alone until the next "all stop" which repeats both fills ready for the next start.  By moving 16 bits, you will progress the 8 ON bits along your MB vector, progressively turning them all ON.

    cheers, Aus

  9. I have never had to do this, but can't see any real issues that can't be done via maths and manipulation of numbers as everyone has already said. 

    The other question is how do you want it to actually show?   Will it  be as simple as  6.8 - 03or something more complex?  As mentioned by others, you will have to take a few steps to achieve the result, which will end up as either a string or number being displayed on the screen, possibly with other smaller notations accompanying the main "number" to make it look the way you want.

    Joe's question re range you want is very relevant.  As well, have you actually considered what your transducer can actually do in working with the PLC?  If it is running 0 as absolute vac, and 10v as "atmospheric", your range of of 4096 via the plc is actually only going to be able to show something like .25mbar at an input reading of 1.  Which actually isn't that low a vacuum.

    cheers, Aus

  10. 1).  The comment re the battery being low seems to be a mistake from deriving the battery level from a working screen, which would show an external battery level during operation.  It is not the plc's battery, as you've checked.

    2).  Your last photo directly above this post shows that the laptop IS communicating with the PLC.   The Model etc is shown at the bottom.  I would carefully check all cables for errors, as well as noting next point.......

    3).  Are you using a usb to serial adapter?  It must use a genuine Prolific chip.   Other adapters may work, but not completely and correctly.

    4).  Did you do the Visilogic installation as Administrator?  Read this:   https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/7917-visilogic-doesnt-work-properly-after-installation-what-install-as-administrator-really-means/

    5).  Start your baud rate at 57600 as Dan described, and pay attention the his other comments:

    Power up, check communications - COM 1   57,600.

    Use Info Mode (At the PLC) to check COM settings.

    Does your program modify COM Settings for a device?    Have you changed them?


    On 9/4/2023 at 5:34 PM, Hasan Haider said:

    I am very very disappointed about this PLC.

    Please note again that this is forum is manned by volunteers.  It is not the Makers of the PLC responding to your requests. However, from the appearance of all your results it would appear that the PLC is working as best as it can, but has somehow had it's operating system corrupted.  This could be due to large power spikes during your work, or even nearby heavy loads or VFDs.  The issue is likely easily resolved by the forum,  but because we are not on site, it is difficult as we can only go on the information we get.

    For now I suggest you follow what Visilogic and the PLC are telling you to do.  Also check what O/S the plc needs by looking at the program you uploaded and selecting Project Information.  This will show you what Visilogic version it was created with.  Note this carefully as this is the version you should be working with on your laptop, and using for all the PLC work.  Later versions of Visilogic than the one used to first create a program can create issues.  This is not a fault, it is the nature of continual improvements.

  11. Hi Brugola, my post is telling the makers of the PLC that there IS missing information.  I am confirming your post.   That is why I have highlighted in blue, "Slow blink" and "Rapid blink"....there is no "On".

    Cara is the head of the information section, and faces many difficulties in keeping literature up to date.

    cheers, Aus

  12. Hi Brugola,   this does appear to be a case of missing info.  Others may already know the answer.  

    @Cara Bereck Levy  could you perhaps please follow up on this.

    Status LED  A triple color LED. Indications are as follows:
    Color             LED State       Status
    Green             On                     Operating normally
                               Slow blink     Boot  
                               Rapid blink  OS initialization
    Green/Red  Slow blink    Configuration mismatch
    Red          Slow blink     No IO exchange
                       Rapid blink    Communication error  

    Orange        Rapid blink     OS Upgrade

    This info copy paste is lifted from the UIS-WCB2-SPEC-1-16 pdf. 

    cheers, Aus

  13. Gariel has just replied as I write this, with a point I was typing!  Also, the usb adapter must use a Prolific chip.  From what you have said, I gather that you use the same adapter to connect to the PLC on your "line".  Check that the link is working with this unit ok, and if it is, use info mode to find comms settings.  Can you get anything out of the plc when you simply do a Get OPLC Information from the Connection/Communication & OS.

    If all else fails, I'd be doing a full reinstall of OS etc, that matches what your unit on the line.  Don't upgrade for no good reason, it might create big headaches.

    cheers, Aus

  14. Good call, Cam, the fuse was indeed blown.  I've never had one blow so had pretty much forgotten they are there, and being an M91 I hardly work with them now.  I had them on a number of projects that have all been demolished in the last few years.  

    The unit is running on a 12V battery system that is not permanently connected.  Wondering if a mistake reversed connection would do the fuse, but there appears to be innate reverse diode protection?  If this is so, seems strange it didn't take out the lower amp F1. again with protection.

    A few mods are going in along with repairs.

    cheers, Aus

  15. For those of us who still occasionally need Win XP, and even those using virtual machines where actual activation makes things simpler, a hack has appeared that makes it easy.  It isn't a crack as such, it imitates phone activation.  I recently had to do a complete reinstall on a different system to run some older stuff, and activation was needed.  There are various references to the file online, but the small  .exe is squirrelled away a bit.  No doubt it will become more obvious as time goes on, but if anyone wants it, change .txt to .exe on the attached file.

    It can interact with the XP system so that there is no manual input needed.  Perhaps it even has it's origins from M$0ft, but who really knows.

    cheers, Aus


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