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Everything posted by Flex727

  1. It would be easier to lengthen the shorter wire than shorten the longer wire, no? Also, swap the Outputs in the program - just do a search and replace (thrice, move one set to a parking place, then move the other set, then move the parked outputs). This would be easier if you used buffered outputs. That should point to or eliminate the last 2 of the 3 remaining options.
  2. I'd love to look at your .vlp file in depth (thanks for including it, by the way), but I'm a bit bogged down at the moment. Let me suggest this until someone else can come along to help (or I can crawl out from under my deluge of work). Swap the wiring between the motors and/or swap the outputs in the program to try isolating the source of the problem and see what you get.
  3. If the video system has digital inputs available or communicates with a protocol compatible with the PLC, then it should be simple. Otherwise, it might be more difficult.
  4. Fortunately, VisiLogic makes it easy. Copy, paste, drag, and drop. You can break those nets up literally in seconds.
  5. By the way, your picture shows horrible programming technique. That ladder rung could easily (and absolutely should) be broken up into 7 separate rungs. Do that and your compile error will go away. I can't account for why it seems to be allowing it elsewhere.
  6. It's the latter. I just tested and VisiLogic still allows multiple networks in a single rung (don't do it, though), but doesn't allow multiple HMI calls in a single ladder rung. Perhaps an older version did allow it.
  7. Also, I don't think you can have multiple HMI screen calls in the same net.
  8. You have two networks in a single ladder rung. That is a no-no. Perhaps VisiLogic has changed that from a Warning to a Critical error in later versions.
  9. Joe Tauser was kind enough to educate us all on this topic and wrote a very nice example program, which can be found here:
  10. I know that @Joe Tauser would recommend a State Machine, and I would agree, but there is no reason you can't do it exactly like you would in S7 using ladder logic. You can SET and RESET bits in VisiLogic in any way you see fit.
  11. Does that include the backup of your corrupted project file? If so, I'm confused as to what your current problem is.
  12. Thanks for letting us know you got it solved.
  13. Do you have a backup of the file you were working on? If not, try copying your file to a different location on your hard drive - a location with less subfolder nesting, then try opening it. If you are still getting the error and other projects open fine, then the problem is almost certainly with a corrupted project file, not a problem with your VisiLogic installation. When working with mission critical files, whether VisiLogic or other software, I always keep daily backups and multiple versions saved. I strongly recommend creating a system to mitigate this type of problem as file corruption can happen at any time and with any software.
  14. I think you are probably correct in your assessment. If you have Windows Restore enabled, you might try using that to go back to the day before the incident.
  15. When you uninstall VisiLogic, make sure ALL the files from the previous VisiLogic installation are deleted (except project files, of course - move them elsewhere). Reboot the computer then install VisiLogic AS ADMINISTRATOR. Then when you run VisiLogic, make sure you run it AS ADMINISTRATOR (every time). If the problem still exists, then follow the instructions on the error message and contact Unitronics Support (Edit - I see you already did that).
  16. Also, do a search on the tag, "Control stick pos..." to make sure you're not assigning it a value anywhere else in the program.
  17. Yes, you can connect to two different PLCs without connecting/disconnecting manually. In the master, you just need two ladder rungs, each with a socket connect FB, making sure to have the correct IP addressing in each. Then you need two separate data exchange FBs, one for each PLC. It works best if you have a polling timer, rather than trying to execute the data exchange on every single PLC cycle. I usually use a 100ms timer. Also you need to initialize both sockets with the correct protocol and port number. Make sure the Port numbers match between the master and slave for each socket. Go through every FB you're using and make sure all the IP, port numbers, and socket numbers are correct - it's easy to miss a setting. By the way, when others mentioned connecting/disconnecting manually, they didn't mean anyone has to be physically present. It just meant performing a disconnect in the ladder logic to one PLC and then connecting to the other rather than simultaneously connecting to both. This is rarely done but is sometimes necessary when connecting to more than 4 PLCs since there is a physical limitation of 4 sockets with the Vision PLCs, except for the V700, which can have 8. The UniStream is basically unlimited.
  18. I will amend this to say, "You must use two different sockets to connect to two different PLCs at the same time without disconnecting and reconnecting (as Ljuba was trying to do).
  19. bbird suggests a good workaround. I fully understand the issues with binary-decimal conversion, but I've personally never seen the problem you experiencing. I would request that you post the rest of your code and let's take a look.
  20. Make sure you're not overflowing your Memory Integer. Just to be sure, use MLs instead and see if the situation improves.
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