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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Hmmm, I was thinking of the Vision products. I agree that I don't see any applicable display System Integers. It does sound like a hardware fail, but you should check with Unitronics Support for any procedure they might have to troubleshoot. Just email with your problem description above to: support@unitronics.com.

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  2. That's interesting, I've never encountered a V260. Is that a Vision, or Enhanced Vision PLC?

    When you say "did not make a difference", are you saying the same motor still had the problem even when you switched outputs or switched wiring? Or did the problem move with the switch?

    When you say you swapped out a V260 for the V560, are you using the same Snap-In I/O module after the swap?

  3. 2 minutes ago, masrellim said:

    leads back to 3 things.  length/type of wire between output and motor drive, a difference in how the snap in and expansion outputs work, or I have a difference in the programing of the 2 outputs that I can not see.

    It would be easier to lengthen the shorter wire than shorten the longer wire, no?

    Also, swap the Outputs in the program - just do a search and replace (thrice, move one set to a parking place, then move the other set, then move the parked outputs). This would be easier if you used buffered outputs.

    That should point to or eliminate the last 2 of the 3 remaining options.

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