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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 3 minutes ago, Edwinn said:

    Is it also not possible to automatic reboot after the connection error?  So the PLC boots again without the expansion...

    Once again, a relay connected to a spare output on the I/O module could be connected to the PLC power supply to force a power cycle when the output drops. You would need to figure out how to wire the relay so that it would only be a momentary drop because that output would not come back after the reboot until the module is reconnected.

  2. 13 hours ago, kratmel said:

    Sometimes, someone sw off some protection circuit for maintence and do not sw on after.

    Then V1040 started, but without part of IO. Only local E46B present.

    In this case you could do the opposite of what I suggested earlier. Have a spare INPUT on the expansion module that is jumpered out to be always on. If the PLC is powered up without the expansion module the lack of signal from the input would activate an alarm signal (presumably connected to the Snap-In module).

  3. 5 hours ago, Etienne said:

    There is no image slider function?

    Not that I'm aware of. You might post the request in the "We're Listening" forum and see if they'll put it on the agenda. I think it would be a good improvement.

  4. 29 minutes ago, edgar.guerra said:

    the error I was making applies to all lines of ladder code?

    Yes, most of the time it doesn't cause a problem, but it's unpredictable. One line of code for each ladder rung. Notice all the compile warnings you are getting. 

    One other problem, do not place the contact for a timer in the same rung as the timer coil. It doesn't cause a compile warning, but it is very poor form.


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