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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. I haven't looked at your code yet, but I presume you are connecting and disconnecting for each VFD communication. If so, you need to provide surprisingly long wait times between each operation - on the order of at least a couple of seconds, if not more. If the total cycle time becomes too long for your application, you can connect to 2 or 3 at a time since you have 4 sockets available.

    A better option would be to use the V700, since it has 8 sockets, so that you can maintain communication with all 5 simultaneously and continuously.

  2. Moved to the correct forum.

    Your V130 has 10-bit analog inputs. That means the 0-10V input will be read as an integer from 0-1023 and placed in the register you assign in the Hardware Configuration (you have MI 26 and MI 3 for analog inputs 0 & 1, respectively). You can convert that from 0-1023 to 0-10V by using the Linearization function in ladder.

    Also, be sure your jumpers are set correctly for the inputs. An Installation Guide should have come with your PLC, but you can also find it in PDF form on the Unitronics website.

  3. I have had the Firmware update fail before more than once. In every case I just kept retrying until it succeeded. If it fails several times in a row, and you're sure you have good communications (confirm or re-install the driver, replace the cable, etc) and you have removed any extra modules (Snap-In, Ethernet, etc), then it's likely you have a hardware problem. Contact your distributor and see if he can help or contact support@unitronics.com.

  4. On 3/3/2021 at 10:35 AM, Seversean said:

    Then I came across bit SB350 'Show Alarms on LCD (On=Show, Off=Hide)  Turning this on popped up the alarm screen.  So now I'm confused how this bit should be used.  Left on all the time?  Turned on in ladder logic?  There has never been any mention of this bit anywhere.

    Seversean is correct that this System Bit is not mentioned anywhere in the Help file that I can find. @Cara Bereck Levy, can you address this?

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Ausman said:

    I thought SB8 was universal across all devices that use U90.  Is this incorrect?


    10 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    I honestly don't know on the JZ10.  I don't use the Jazz series very often.

    I happen to have a JZ10 sitting on the shelf. I hooked it up and went online. SB 8 was zero, so that really doesn't tell me anything. So I opened it up with the intention to remove the battery to see if SB 8 goes high, but found that the battery is soldered in.

  6. @zavisis AWOL, but perhaps he has a day job like the rest of us.

    zavis, if you do return to this thread, I want to mention something I neglected previously. In the picture you pasted you have two logic threads in ladder rung 5. Do not do that. Separate those two statements into two different ladder rungs. Also, though it's not hurting anything, you don't need SB 1 there. I'm not sure why you felt the need to include it.

  7. I also have two comments. It's been awhile since I worked with U90 ladder and had forgotten that there is no Toggle Coil. Ugh, this situation really calls for it.

    1 hour ago, Ausman said:

    This could all be easily achieved with a drum.

    I immediately thought this was a great application for Joe's famous state machine. I did not opt for that because it would take more time on my part and would require more explanation to zavis than I had time for and may not be appropriate for a beginner.

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