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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 7 hours ago, petchpetals said:

    I use MI1 and MI2 for the values from both sensors. Does that mean that the register addresses are 40002 and 40003 respectively?

    Yes that is MODBUS convention. Assuming your Raspberry Pi follows that convention, it should work. Did you try it to see?

    When in unfamiliar territory I like to Store Direct SI 30 into an MI just above the vector being read (MI 0 in your case). This will immediately tell me if I have an "off by one" problem.

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  2. You can also write the value directly into the linked MI when online if the I/O is NOT connected to the PLC. If your PLC has no onboard I/O, simply don't connect the I/O then you can go online and write values as you wish without having to modify your program.

    Remember that you are writing the analog-to-digital equivalent value. You will need to know the resolution of your analog input (10-bit, 12-bit, or 14-bit) to know the range of values to use. Or in AlexUT's example above, you could add in a linearization function to allow you to enter the analog value directly.

  3. 3 hours ago, NickButt said:

    A button is pushed, a timer runs for X amount of time, and then an output is turned on. 

    Is this what you're wanting to do? If so, then you want to use a delay timer (TD).


    Rung 4 allows you to turn the output off by pressing the button a second time.  There are probably 12 other ways to do this, including a way to use the TE timer that may be a bit simpler using a negative transition to turn on the output and doesn't require the Latch bit. Using the TE timer would require you to turn the output off in a different way than I have above,

  4. 15 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    My current arrangement with John is that I compensate him with Walmart gift cards.

    Sounds good, but I'd rather save up until I have enough for a new V700.

    15 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    for additional revenue, consider this experience I had with the Malwarebytes forum

    I wonder if Unitronics has a policy about this?

    The Paypal issues aside, a disclaimer like that at the end of every post would be very helpful to let users know that most of us are volunteers and not Unitronics employees. I need to check to see if that can be automated with this forum software.

  5. Not sure if this is your problem specifically, but I've had a similar problem with the HMI not handling the transparent background selection in the way you might imagine it should. If you have Transparent Background selected, try unchecking it.

    If that's not it, you might try loading the images in Microsoft Paint and saving them as .bmp images, then using those as your Binary Image / Switch. I generally do that most of the time anyway because I like to alter the images slightly to my taste.

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  6. Just to clarify, this forum is primarily for people looking to hire a programmer for a specific project. If you are just looking for some help to get past a specific problem, then post in one of the other forums on this site based on the PLC you are using.

    If you ARE looking to hire, then some details might be helpful, such as your location, what PLC you would prefer to use, and any other hardware details that might be appropriate. I think there are several experts on this forum that would be available for hire if the project is of interest to them.

  7. 17 hours ago, Ausman said:

    However, something that caught my eye is the possiblity that the call to your SMS subroutine is being stopped incorrectly.  Even just one  scan difference might mess things up.  What does MB469 do and how does it relate to everything?   If it only comes on to control a send, try delaying it turning off for a few seconds once everything is meant to be finished.  This is along the lines of me allowing buffer clearance times of a few scans in other areas of the plc.  The extra scans let things work properly, that don't work ok when a "I've finished doing all that" bit turns on/off.

    Always good advice from Ausman. I have another point to add - avoid conditional subroutine calls if at all possible! They are frequently a programmer's undoing. They leave coils hanging in limbo, and as Ausman is pointing out here, you may not end up completing the task.

  8. 14 minutes ago, CatUnitronics said:

    Does using a different USB ethernet adaptor other than the one that was used for downloading have an effect on the Unistream?

    I can't imagine that the PLC would have any idea what the source of the Ethernet signal is and I don't see any way that there would be an effect on it. However, if you're not careful UniLogic can change certain communication parameters during download which could disrupt future communications.

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