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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Sure you can, but timers only have a resolution of 10ms. Just multiply your MI by 100 and use "Store Timer/Counter Preset" for the TD timer you wish to use. Make the timer self-resetting (timer activated by inverted contact of the timer) then have a positive transition of the timer activate a toggle coil of the MB you wish to use for the pulse train.


    If this isn't clear, I'll post a screen capture of the logic - just let me know.

    Remember, you must use increments of 10ms. You cannot have a 12ms timer.

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  2. The Samba 35 with a RS485 add-on should do the job inexpensively. The Vision 120 or 130 would also do the job for a few dollars less, but the Samba has a MUCH nicer display.

    The M91 would probably be the least expensive solution from Unitronics, with a 2-line display  and built-in 485 port, but uses the U90 Ladder software for programming which can be a bit more cumbersome than the outstanding VisiLogic programming software used for the Vision and Samba lines.

  3. Unfortunately, I don't have a Samba available, so I downloaded the program into a V700. Everything showed up perfectly, so there is nothing wrong with your program. I suggest the following:

    -Re-download the program fully. I would pull the power and the battery from the PLC for at least 20 min, then replace both and perform the download.

    If still the same, then check the status of the firmware by pressing Ctrl-F9 and going to the 4th tab over and press the "Check" button. Upgrade the OS if it says to and repeat the above.

    If still no improvement, contact your distributor or email support@unitronics.com.

    I have seen this type of thing before (very rarely) and it was usually some glitch that never repeated once the program was re-downloaded.

  4. 10 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    Take a look at the attached program.

    @Joe Tauser, did you write that in the newest version of VisiLogic? I haven't installed it yet, but I was able to open the project in 9.8.31. Unfortunately, the wider ladder rungs did bad things - they try to go off screen and can't be accessed. Unitronics needs to prevent 9.8.64 projects from being opened in previous versions.

  5. Assuming there is some reason for upgrading to 9.8.9, yes you can clone the V570 PLC to the SD card prior to the upgrade and then restore it to the original condition if you experience some problem. However, especially when you have an intricate project as you mention, I rarely do any upgrade of that nature because you're just asking for trouble. I always use Version Swapper on my laptop to return to the original version of VisiLogic and do any software changes from that. Others do it differently, but I believe if it ain't broke, don't fix it (in other words don't upgrade the firmware unless it's necessary for some reason).

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