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Se puede actualizar el O/S mediante TCP o algún método para no tener que ir a planta y actualizar mediante USB a los PLC Vision130?

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Hola muy buenas grupo, tengo una pregunta, tengo plcs vision 130 instalados en planta y  a veces el PLC deja se pone en modo Boot ya que necesita instalar la nueva versión O/S desde visiologic. Esta actualización por lo que tengo entendido se realiza mediante cable USB. Hay alguna forma de actualizar mediante TCP o UDP? Puedo tener otra opción sin tener que ir a planta a instalar el O/S?

Gracias un saludo

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  • MVP 2023

This is very confusing. The PLC never requires an O/S update on its own. In fact, we recommend that the programmer never update the O/S once the PLC is in production.

If your PLC will not boot properly when power cycled, then you have another problem that must be addressed. If you are periodically removing mains power and the program is lost, then it sounds like you need to replace the battery. I don't believe that causes the O/S to be lost, so there may be another issue at play.

All that said, though it's not recommended by Unitronics, it is possible to update the software and/or firmware via ethernet.

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  • MVP 2023

With your PLC being a 130, I respectfully disagree with Flex saying you can update firmware by ethernet.  Software yes, Firmware no. 

As far as I know, unlike higher level Vision controllers, you cannot update a 130's OS via ethernet, it has to be done via the serial port.  It will start, but then fails and the plc is left in limbo.  To do this is not a usb cable, it needs a proper serial port on the PC using the correct PLC adapter and cable.  If the PC serial port is achieved using a usb to 232 adapter, the adapter has to be based on a Prolific chip. 

As for your 130s losing OS, I would be looking at two things.

1).  Electrical interference.   Shielding and correct elimination of spikes from coils, contactors etc has to be done.

2).  If you already have ethernet connections to the 130s and they are accessible from the internet, then I would immediately change the default port(s) to something else.  It is very possible that what you are experiencing is due to hacking attempts.  If you can do so, update to the latest Visilogic version for better security and be prepared that you might need to change your program a little due to the upgrade.

cheers, Aus


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Muchas gracias por su respuesta chicos, ando algo confuso, voy a intentar explicarme mejor. Cuando yo programo un vision130 y lo llevo a planta, cuando pasa un tiempo y imagina que se ha roto alguna entrada digital, los operarios me llaman para intentar cambiar a otra entrada libre en el módulo. En ese momento, seguramente porque la herramienta de programación la he actualizado a la ultima versión, me sale el mensaje de que necesita actualizar el firmware, si lo intento con la herramienta de programación el PLC se queda colgado. Hay alguna manera de poder actualizar el firmware de manera remota? O solo me queda ir allí para actualizar con el cable serie y su adaptador de PLC. Disculpar las molestias y muchas gracias.

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  • MVP 2023
17 hours ago, Ausman said:

With your PLC being a 130, I respectfully disagree with Flex saying you can update firmware by ethernet.  Software yes, Firmware no. 

Correction noted, thanks. My experience with V130s is far less than with the other Vision models.

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  • MVP 2023
8 hours ago, benito.carrasco said:

I have updated the programming tool to the latest version, I get the message that the firmware needs to be updated.

Stop doing that. Stay with the VisiLogic version you originally programmed the software with. Unless there is a specific feature you require or a specific bug fix that has hindered you, do NOT routinely update to the latest VisiLogic version. PLCs are not like PCs where you always want the latest version of the app.

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  • MVP 2023

Benito, the direct answer to your question is NO. 

If I try with the programming tool, the PLC hangs.
23 hours ago, Ausman said:

It will start, but then fails and the plc is left in limbo.

But....you can get around this issue by having an onsite PC with serial port as an intermediary connection.  Your factory floor people could have a laptop they carry round, they plug in the serial connection and you do the rest by accessing the PC via wifi using a VNC.

Please also have a look at this topic to get an understanding of what Flex is saying:



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Muchísimas gracias por la respuesta, ahora todo me queda claro. Solamente me queda aclarar una cuestión que me ha surgido a través del enlace tan interesante que me has facilitado. Es decir que si yo tengo muchos programas de Unitronics de versiones totalmente diferentes, si yo utilizo la versión Swapper, ¿Se podrá utilizar la herramienta de programación con la versión reconocida?. Es decir, no me saldrá el mensaje de que tengo que actualizar el software?. Muchisimas gracias por la respuesta.


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