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I have 3 vision 1210's, a laptop using windows 7 home premium 64 bit and unitronics vision 9.4. We updated the OS when prompted to. After a while of programming and downloading all of a sudden the graphics all show as hash marks. When I view online the display looks fine. I load the program again and the program won't finish downloading. The download gets stuck erasing some files. After a while we cancel the download, reboot the 1210 and redownload. Redownload may take several times but eventually the display looks fine. Later in the day the problem comes back. Is this problem a 64 bit issue, an os issue or what. I have used unitronics for several years and never had these kinds of problems. Most other work I've done with unitronics has been with windows xp 32 bit. Has anybody else had this issue?


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  • 5 months later...

I´m getting same issue after a couple of months of application development, after downloading an update of my application, but it does not happen all the time. PLC got stuck erasing some sector of memory related to images, so the only way is restarting it, all images go away and have to start download again. What can be causing this issue and how can it be avoided?

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  • MVP 2014

Did you do the OS update via USB (COM1) or Ethernet?

The OS will always update OK via ethernet, but sometimes the BinLib and Boot files also need to get updated, and this doesn't happen when using Ethernet. You can then have a PLC with incompatible firmware files. The exact problems this may cause will depend on the versions of the files.

You need to use the USB (or COM1 serial) to update the BinLib and Boot files. I can't say whether that is the cause of this specific issue, but it is something to check and be aware of. I mention it because you say the problem started after an OS update.

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Simon, I updated OS using COM1 just when I got my new V1210, almost 2 months ago. Currently it has O/S: 3.6(14), BOOT: 2.2(09), BinLib: 0-3.10(03) FACTORY BOOT: 1.3(07). Looking at Data\OSVision directory of my computer, I can see I have last available files already installed except OS. Issue reported has happened twice in last week after regular application download, not OS update, by the way, there were no image changes at those times, just ladder. After installed the unit, I only use Ethernet card to connect and program OPLC.

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  • MVP 2023

I've run across a situation which may be the same as this, or at least somewhat similar. When I am engaged in program development with a project with a lot of images, after repeated downloads of the project for troubleshooting, the images on the PLC somehow get corrupted. This only happens after a large number of project downloads when there are a lot of images on the PLC. I have found that if I load a blank project onto the PLC then re-download the original project, all is well again. Nothing else I have found will correct the corrupted image problem.

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Hi All,

What type of download are you using? (Download, Download & Burn, Burn Upload project)

Do you have a recipe with the exact steps how to simulate this issue?

Please send the project to support@unitronics.com and how to simulate this issue .

As soon as we will be able to replicate the problem, we will take care to fix this issue.

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  • MVP 2023

Ofir, I'm sure your question is directed to the original post, but in my case I am using regular Download. I don't burn until the project is finalized. In my case, a complex program might be downloaded to the PLC dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of times before I'm done (this is one reason why I've been begging for online editing capability). The image corruption is rare, but it has happened to me several times over the last few years. It seems to me that the problem is worse with the V1210 than the V570, but I don't have hard data to support that.

I am currently using Visilogic 9.4.0 on a Win 7-64 bit machine.

By the way, I don't consider this a serious problem. As far as I can tell, it affects program development only. Once the PLC is in the field it doesn't occur.

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