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Hi all,


at the moment i am using a Vision350 Controller for a small machine type. 

We think about replacing the Vison350 with the new 7 Inch samba. 

Now i have a few questions, because i am not sure if the memory of the samba would be enough for this program.


* How can i find out the memory used in the Vision350 controller?

  I already looked at the "project memory map", but i did not get really useful information from there.

  I only see that i am using 4,9 % of the DLU capacity, but i do not find any information about how many kb are used for ladder code, hmi variables, ..........


* Is there any way to export my code from the Vison350 and reimport it in Samba?

  I already tried to change the hardware in the project, but it is not possible to keep the hmi screens and the ladder code.....

  I also tried to export the ladder subroutines one by one, but also here the import is not possible, because i always get the message that some used operands are not available on the samba platform. 

  Of course i have to re-adress some variables, but it is just not possible if i cannot import the subroutine in my samba project.


Any tips would be helpful, as i think that this small project would fit in the Samba models. And using a 7 Inch display would be better than the 3,5 inch from the Vision.




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On 7/15/2016 at 6:06 AM, max_145 said:

I also tried to export the ladder subroutines one by one, but also here the import is not possible, because i always get the message that some used operands are not available on the samba platform. 

  Of course i have to re-adress some variables, but it is just not possible if i cannot import the subroutine in my samba project.

Move those operand addresses FIRST before exporting.

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On 15/7/2016 at 5:06 AM, max_145 said:

Hi all,


at the moment i am using a Vision350 Controller for a small machine type. 

We think about replacing the Vison350 with the new 7 Inch samba. 

Now i have a few questions, because i am not sure if the memory of the samba would be enough for this program.


* How can i find out the memory used in the Vision350 controller?

  I already looked at the "project memory map", but i did not get really useful information from there.

  I only see that i am using 4,9 % of the DLU capacity, but i do not find any information about how many kb are used for ladder code, hmi variables, ..........


* Is there any way to export my code from the Vison350 and reimport it in Samba?

  I already tried to change the hardware in the project, but it is not possible to keep the hmi screens and the ladder code.....

  I also tried to export the ladder subroutines one by one, but also here the import is not possible, because i always get the message that some used operands are not available on the samba platform. 

  Of course i have to re-adress some variables, but it is just not possible if i cannot import the subroutine in my samba project.


Any tips would be helpful, as i think that this small project would fit in the Samba models. And using a 7 Inch display would be better than the 3,5 inch from the Vision.




As Flex told you, use the FIND AND REPLACE command to move the variables so they can fit in the available space in Samba. I made the switch from V350 to Samba for small machines and is working ok. I don´t know how to measure the space a program requires but I never get out of memory with Unitronics.

Good luck 

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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, HigHTech said:

...but I never get out of memory with Unitronics.

I totally agree with HigHTech, but I have found that if you have more than 4 or 5 screens on the Samba, you will have a big problem with memory. This is especially true if they are even moderately complex screens with a number of elements on each. I suspect that will be your number one problem with memory limitation when you move from the V350 to the Samba.

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10 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

I totally agree with HigHTech, but I have found that if you have more than 4 or 5 screens on the Samba, you will have a big problem with memory. This is especially true if they are even moderately complex screens with a number of elements on each. I suspect that will be your number one problem with memory limitation when you move from the V350 to the Samba.

This project has 4 screens with a lot of variables (more than 63 HMI) and you can see I have like 40% free. So I think Samba can handle 10 screens and lets say 160 variables.

I am very sure that before you run out of memory you run out of I/O´s. So that´s must of the time my check point.


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