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V230 exporting data table remotely?

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  • MVP 2023

Hi all,


On my installs with single 230s, I am now needing to export large data tables automatically, or store the consecutive versions.  The tables are purely logging and are set up to utilise as much memory as possible.  The row number is increased by one every minute and then that row is updated with current readings.  Once reaching the endpoint it zeroes and starts again. With all the parameters being logged, the table rollover occurs roughly every 36 hours.


I've had a good hunt around, but can't find a way that I can store these, or send the entire table out, as an email attachment.  I don't think what I need to do is possible with 230s.


So....I am looking at either:


1).  Changing the controllers, which will be a pain and costly, to something with microSD card onboard.  But makes the storage and export easy.


2).  Setup a small puter near the units running DDE to do much the same thing direct into an excel file at whatever timing suits.  Would likely work ok, but is added complexity involving the puter definitely being on ok, and thus might not be as stable as a plc with SD.  Reliability is paramount.


3).  Send out an email often which can use as many characters as possible.  But this will make things incredibly clumsy and hard to use, when trying to put it all into a graph that shows a 24 hour period.


4).  Yes....I could log in every day and download the table, but this will be a pita and ultimately will cost me time and $.  I don't think it possible to write a script to successfully get Visilogic to do this automatically...or should I say.... that's beyond my skills!  And again, for me that means a dedicated puter needed.  At present the similar logging I do with 130s, I download it every 50 days or so and once done ok, I clear things out of the SD.


5).  I don't suppose there is an I/O module in the works that will let one add an SD?  I can't be alone in my need and such an I/O can't be that hard to do.  Or even better, a module that includes both SD and ethernet?


6).    Any other bright idea someone else can think of?


To me it looks like the best is going to be a controller change......bummer.





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  • MVP 2023

Another option, rather than change the controller, would be to add the cheapest controller (V130?) available with an SD slot. You could then add a little code to ship the data over to the new controller and store it on SD for retrieval. This would be not unlike an I/O module with SD.

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Hi Ausman;


Have you looked at DataExport - one of the Free Utilities from Unitronics

Set it up - Serial or Ethernet  to the V230  and capture the data table on a Schedule - say 24 Hours

This can be run on a PC  and left open all the time .

It can capture the data table, save it to an Excel file and also email it.

You may have to add the Ethernet Card to the V230,or via Modem.

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What about DataExport running on a PC?


It would let you either call the V230 on a schedule you set, or you can have the PLC call when it's table reaches a certain amount of rows(or on another trigger).  If the PC has an email program it can email you a copy of the table and also save it locally.  Then set a bit to clear the table.

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  • MVP 2023

Thanks all, for the suggestions....much appreciated.


I had forgotten about the methods used in DataExport, I rarely use it.  But it again means the use of a puter system that is either onsite dedicated, and hopefully always working correctly, or a remote that I setup to do auto wakeups and shutdowns etc.  The setup can't involve any other computers that are in general ad hoc use.  But my inner voice of experience is whispering that it just seems a bit too awkward and possibly unreliable, with the potential for a failure to go unnoticed until the data is needed but not available.


I did also look at adding a 130-33-B1 like Flex suggests, but forgot to mention it, so thanks for the nudge, pal. It means a bit of work due to needing another small enclosure etc, but taking on board all the other issues against it being more expensive to start with, I feel it will ultimately be the easiest & best way to go.


Thanks again for your time everyone,





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