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Hello All

                             we bought new V230 Controller with default program , the old one configured 5 DO Channel for Snap I/o module but new one working with I/o expansion module , how we can change configuration expansion module to snap module ?

  • MVP 2023

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do, all you need to do is delete the Snap-In module and add the Expansion module in the HW Configuration, then move all the I/O to the appropriate addresses using the Edit/Replace function.

  • 2 months later...

it s possible to change I/O configuration from Expansion module to Snap module without Communication cable.

                                                                                                                    we have V230 PLC , 6 DO connected with solenoid coil in SNAP  I/O module  and it was worked , we have expansion DO module also and its not used , weeks before we did reset after  PLC hanged , after reset PLC automatically snap I/O not worked same time  expansion DO channel 6 started  to service , all wiring connected to Snap I/o , there is any way without communication cable possible to change I/O configuration from Expansion module to Snap module


Posted (edited)

No.  It's not possible to to change the I/O configuration without the communication cable as your talking about changing the hardware configuration as well as the address of the mapped I/O to change from the expansion module to the snap I/O.

Edited by Cam
Spelling errors Sorry.
  • MVP 2023

I've never seen the first one - perhaps a Watchdog Timer error? The second one is usually from a bad or disconnected cable that connects the PLC to the I/O modules.


I've seen the first one before, when using labels and jumps to create a loop (whether it's intentional or not).   If the loop doesn't exit the watchdog timer trips as the controller believes that the program in hung up.   While you can make loops in the program to repeat a part of the code it isn't advised.  When compiled you get a warning about that the loop may trip the watchdog timer.

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