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  • MVP 2023

It's going to depend on the resolution of the two PLCs. If they're both the same, then it's very straightforward, but if the resolution of the Vision PLC is higher, then you're going to have to do some work. Unfortunately, it will require manually placing all the elements if the two PLCs have different resolutions.

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Flex727 - Thank you for the reply.    They are the same size 3.5" but I don't know about resolution.   However the error I am getting is 'Hardware Configuration Change 557 ...project can't be switched between PLC models.  This project compromises features that are not supported by Samba.'    I use Alarms, Trends, String Library, Compare, Add/Sub/Div, schedules, linearization, and that's about it.  I guess I can take things out until I find out...any idea what is not for the Samba?  Trends/SD cards?  

Thanks again.

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  • MVP 2023

You can find the resolution of the PLCs on the Unitronics website, or just position your cursor in the lower right corner of the VisiLogic HMI programming screen to read it off directly. The problem you're encountering is because Samba has smaller memory operand space. You cannot have more than 512 MBs, 256 MIs, or 32 MLs, DWs, & Timers. If you have fewer than this number, try moving all the operands to addresses less than those numbers.

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I summary - I never could just swap in a Samba - had to start a new and then import the Ladder and HMI's.  The HMI import and export option is in the project menu when working on the HMI, not when you right click on the individual HMI's, I guess that was what I was looking for.

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  • MVP 2023

Sorry I'm late to the party-

As UNICO2 has discovered, you can't go directly from a Vision to a Samba.  This is not published anywhere, but Visilogic will not allow it.  I spent a bit of time trying to get a V570 program to go into a Samba 7 with the same results.

Here's what I had to do:

1. Export each subroutine individually

2. Export descriptors

3. Export all displays individually

4. Open a new project in SambaLand

5. Import everything I had exported

6. Copy and paste the logic from the Main subroutine.  Don't try to export and import this, as by default every Unitronics already has a Main overwriting it locks things up.


Maybe the Creators have a better way or can update Visilogic to do this for us.  It seems like this should be something that's not that hard to do.

Joe T.

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One more thing that I was surprised to uncover is just how much memory HMI variables with lists of texts take. If your project has something akin to page of alarms history, you might want to really reduce the number of possible line entries. I had a machine with status text line on main screen and 8 more lines in history screen. Measly 30 lines of ~35 symbols each. Had to go down to 5 in the history screen for project to fit in memory (specifically in HMI variables allocated memory, by project memory usage map).

Also, if you are changing resolutions and have to resize images, stock or imported, change them after resizing to any other image and back to the original image. I found this helpful, otherwise the scaled image looks really bad.

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