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Visilogic data table check bug

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I saw this same thing a while back. I too thought I had lost my ability to count. If the names at the tops of the columns in the data table are over 8 characters, you will get the same error. Shorten the column names and the warning will go away.

The wording on the warning needs to be changed.

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  • MVP 2023

I'm trying to ship these, so I did a DataXport compatibility test before I went renaming all the columns in all my Data Tables (I tend to be verbose with column names).

So I set up DataXport to get the data from one of the tables and got this from DataXls


3 hours ago, TODDSTER said:

If the names at the tops of the columns in the data table are over 8 characters, you will get the same error. Shorten the column names and the warning will go away.

I believe you. 

But this data shows that the Visilogic warning is bogus.  DataXport worked just fine with longer column names.


Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Joe, what do previous versions say?  I have many column names way over 8 characters without issues.  I'm still on 9.8.31.

And what happens if the only upper case in the table names is the first letter, with the rest lowercase?  I seem to recall having an issue with this once.



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  • 2 weeks later...


This has been bothering me for a while, so I dug a little deeper. I found the actual problem I was having was that I had a column with Boolean data type labeled as a machine Mode On/Off. The front slash character was the culprit. The warning states which characters may be used. The front slash is not one of them.

Looking at your table, I see #, and parentheses ( ), all of which are not allowed. When I shortened all of my column names to 8 characters or less, the front slash apparently got deleted when I did that, and the warning went away. Column length had nothing to do with it. Sorry I led you astray.

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