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Upload Download the Unitronics way.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi all,

Nancygogogogogogogo(!)'s recent questions again reminded me of Visilogic's unusual naming conventions for communicating b/n PLC and PC.

In other PLC systems, and indeed in the World in general, "Download" is to receive something into the PC.  And if you "Upload" something you send it out from the PC.

But Unitronics has chosen to reverse this nomenclature, and I well remember many years ago having to double check what I was doing until the brain made the Unitronics = commsbacktofront  an ingrained habit.  Again left wondering if it might be a good thing to have this "difference of convention" made a little more prominent in the menus?

I feel sure this will generate another round of discussion!



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  • 2 weeks later...

At this point in time...no reversal is going to happen...?

A little history: when I joined this joint - over 20 years ago - any existing documentation had been created by the R&D staff, and they used Siemens as the model  for terminology. 
They brought me in because they were about to create the M90, and, for the first time,  Windows-based software--they wanted someone who could build a Help file. They also wanted a native English speaker--there were non in the company--to do this.
I was completely new to this world; I acquired the terminology of automation, so to speak, by reading a few Siemens manuals.  
So any glitches in terminology...are my responsibility :blink:

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I find this terminology perfectly acceptable.....

You have to look at it from the point of which device is the larger resource.

Yes, when you are connected to your network and/or the internet, you are downloading information TO your computer and uploading FROM your computer.

But, in the case of connecting that little PLC to your computer, the computer is the larger resource, as it contains all the information that you need to download TO the PLC, and if you are sucking a program out of a PLC, then you are uploading FROM the PLC

Just my 2 cents.......

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  • MVP 2023

Yeah yeah, we're all different and that's why humans are such a weird lot.  I see the logic, JohnR, but I don't agree with it.  My reference point is always the computer I'm working at.  Hmmmmm..."has George's computer got a bigger disc and more RAM than mine?  Hang on a minute whilst I figure out which way I've got to set the description box!!"

One of the best methods I've seen is:     Transfer program > PLC -> File...

                                                                                                                               >  File -> PLC...

No room for error there!  It also then opens subsections that let you choose how much detail you want to transfer.



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  • MVP 2023
On 5/25/2018 at 8:13 PM, JohnR said:

Now, A-B uses the Download to PLC and Upload from PLC contention, so it must be correct........?

No......they're just following the market leaders.....Unitronics!   ?


Just noticed I'm the lucky 0x010x6f.   Do I get my cookie now, Joe T?

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