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VisiLogic 9.2.0 Version Release

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VisiLogic 9.2.0 Version Release

This shiny new version includes new features:


- Redesigned Alpha-Numeric keyboard now occupies entire display

- Trends occupy entire display

- Numeric keyboard and Alarms appear over the current display

- Control coordinates (position) of Numeric keypad and Alarms

New modems: Sierra Wireless GL6100 and Cinterion MC55iT

V1040, V560 and V350: ESC button on Alarms, keyboards and Info menus

TCP/IP Socket Init: HTTP port assigned via MI

For complete changes and bug fixes, download the version from:


and check the Help topic Welcome



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Just downloaded Visilogic 9.2.0. The new alpha numeric keypad works great. A few things i did notice though is that the alarms and standard numeric keypad entries are still small. Is there some reason these were not "upscaled" the same way. Also the creating a clone file through visilogic does not seem to work.

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At the moment the standard numeric keypad and the alarms window are small. However, when they are displayed, you can determine with SB 249 if the background would be black or the current HMI, .

Also, it is possible to determined the location of the window using SI244 and SI245.

What seems to be the problem with the cloning? describe it in detail.

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when pressing the full clone>upload to plc then select the file name and press select and yes, the display goes to the Unitronics logo screen for about two seconds, and then just exits back to info mode. never displays any status or anything else on the screen.

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