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Hello everyone,

I've been reading this forum for a while and it has been very helpful, thanks a lot!

I have a project with a v1040 and 22 thermocouple type J and I display the temperature values on the HMI screen.

Some of thermocouples aren't wired and the HMI displays random values on these entries.

I'd like to display "0" or "--" on the numeric variable where the thermocouples aren't wired. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Here's a screenshot of the HMI screen.

HMI screen.png

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  • MVP 2023
47 minutes ago, orisantander said:

Some of thermocouples aren't wired and the HMI displays random values on these entries.

I don't think those are random numbers - they are typically error codes. Check the specifications sheet for the I/O module.

What you'll have to do is copy the thermocouple integer value to another integer variable (which will be displayed on the HMI) with a compare to determine which value gets copied, the original value or the value you want displayed.

Also, I don't see a decimal place in the values on your HMI screen. Thermocouple values typically have one implied decimal that you either need to handle mathematically, or with the HMI display variable.

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3 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

I don't think those are random numbers - they are typically error codes. Check the specifications sheet for the I/O module.

What you'll have to do is copy the thermocouple integer value to another integer variable (which will be displayed on the HMI) with a compare to determine which value gets copied, the original value or the value you want displayed.

Good idea, thank you! 

I'm going to try this. I'm using a EX-A2X I/O expansion module with 6 IO-ATC8 modules, I'm not sure about the error codes, gonna do some research.

Here are some real pictures of the HMI screen. Note that some of the values displays "**" or "0" or even negative values on the press sensor.

I've got this pictures from field and I don't know which sensors are wired and which are not, so they asked me to try to set "0" as a default option so they can identify the non-wired inputs.


WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.12 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.12 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM.jpeg

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  • MVP 2023

You're getting ** because the value being returned by the module is overflowing the number of digits you have on the display variable.  If a thermocouple is not connected the module will return 32767  (look at the ATC8 specification sheet on page 10).

You could put some logic in for each input that looks at the value and if it's greater a certain number (say 30000) then you can force it to zero.  You may have to copy the value to a buffer register for display to be able to do this.

Joe T. 

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On 12/2/2018 at 12:42 AM, Joe Tauser said:

If you post your code we may be able to help shorten your troubleshooting time.

Joe T.

Joe, thanks a lot. I've been working on my code and fixing some things, not having problems with temperatures display anymore. What I'm missing now is that I'm not how to configure the analog outputs (3 VFD). As I mention before, I have a v1040 PLC and I also have a EX-RC1 comm module. 

These are my codes.

Any correction is welcome and thanks again!

P796 - PLC for EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

P796 - EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

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