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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, Thomas8607 said:

I didn't know it was a mistake. Actually, I had no other problem.

Unitronics tests their software pretty well and there are normally few problems, but beta software should never be used by anyone inexperienced with the product or for production purposes.

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  • MVP 2023

Still dumb.  At the bottom of the picture I can see the inputs listed which match perfectly to the 33-R34 hardware setup.  The only thing odd is the empty double din rail.  I've seen this before but can't remember how it came about.

I know I'm being a pita, but I still don't get it!

cheers, Aus    🧐

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  • MVP 2023

In the main window of the HW Configuration you can only see to I-18 even thought there are 22 inputs. I presume he cannot move the scroll bar to the right, as it is partially hidden also.

The extra empty DIN Rail is probably the source of the problem somehow.

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Ausman  :  The Double rail was added in 9.8.79 for the VFD's,     VFD's on upper rail,  I/O Expansion on the lower rail.

                         Primary addition to 9.8.79  was the VFD functions and added a few administrator things like registration.





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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Dan, good to know.  I have never loaded anything higher than 9.8.65, but I do recall seeing this sort of thing somewhere in the past but can't remember how I fixed it.  I was pondering whether the solution might have been View/Toolbars/Restore Default View & Exit.  Could you try this, Thomas?

cheers, Aus

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