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I just have a small problem, and I keep on asking some simple stuff, because I'm new to Unitronics, and programming PLCs. I have a JZ20-J-UA24, and I want to read from it, and write via labview. This requires a modbus configuration. I looked at the sample modbus configuration on that unitronics supplies with U90 ladder, and some modbus forums on unitronics, but didn't clearly understand what to do next. So suppose I want to read on labview the temperature measured via a KTC connected to the PLC's analog input channel 1 displaying its value at the level of MI 19, how can I do that?  And can someone explain the configuration of the PLC because I didn't get alot what's going on, or how even to read the IP of the PLC.

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  • MVP 2023
8 hours ago, Sarkis Sarkissian said:

I looked at the sample modbus configuration on that unitronics supplies with U90 ladder, and some modbus forums on unitronics,

Have you looked at Help/Contents which is next to Tools in the U90 menus?  In the index, Analog, Thermocouple and Modbus are clearly displayed along with more references and explanations once you open the topic.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

For starters, did you download the NI LabView modbus library?


I downloaded your application from your other post and see that you don't have Ethernet configured.  Do you have an Ethernet module installed in the Jazz?  If so, search the Help for "Ethernet" on how to do that.

There is also Help on what you need to do in the SI registers to get Modbus working in that same search for Ethernet.

The Modbus address for MI 19 is 40020, or Holding Register 20.  Unitronics starts counting at zero, Modbus starts counting at 1 so you have to offset the address.

As an aside, you're running into a lot of difficulty because of what I call the "Jazz Wall".  Jazz controllers are hard to configure for communications - everything has been tacked on to the old M90 operating system after the fact.  You have to really know what you're doing.

The Vision and especially the new UniStream products are much better at PID and Modbus and easier to make work.  If you do another project I would seriously recommend migrating to one of these.  Your time is valuable.

Joe T.

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Hello again,

Well I tried the Ethernet Configuration process, with all the tutorials, but I don't know why I'm having a hard time doing it. It's unfortunately not working for unknowing reasons. When I got to controller M90  OPLC Settings, I'm inserting everything with the TCP/IP as well as in Favorites my PLC with its IP Address and the local Port, but when I'm pressing the Get Version its either telling me a runtime error 13, or sometimes giving me an error regarding either the cable or the communication or the IP. So if you can just help me get over this barrier because it is giving me a really hard time. My gateway is, and i will be using a local port of 502 for modbus. How can this configuration be done in my case, and in the file I have below. And regarding the IP Address which I placed, when I ping it from my computer I get response, but I dont know why it is not working. 


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  • MVP 2023

Um... did you think I meant 40200 was an IP address?

It is the reference for a Modbus holding register so another modbus master can read it.  Its embedded in the modbus data frame.  If you don't know how Modbus works, read this-


I'll look at your program a little later.  You may also want to open a ticket with Unitronics by sending a request to support@unitronics.com.


Joe T.  

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  • MVP 2023

I looked at your program and you should be able to talk to it, especially if you can ping it.  It looks like you've been digging through the Help and have set it up properly.

Can you post a screenshot of your Favorites table?

I'd open a case with support.

Joe T.

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I opened a case with them, but still no reply. This is what I'm getting in the image directly below the text, when i press the favorites its not going in its giving me a run-time error '13'type mismatch. I dont know why this is happening, and I didnt find anything in regards to this error. This is my program below




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  • MVP 2023

Did you install U90 using right click/run as Admin?  And have you got the U90Ladder.exe (that is the main program once installed) set to Run as Admin using compatibility settings?

If you did not do either of these, I would uninstall using RevoUninstaller portable and put things back in like I say.

cheers, Aus

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Compared to working configuration I once did, all settings are the same except nothing was checked in the client area and "Inactivity timer" was set to 20. Also value 310 was stored in SI145 on startup.

On 7/16/2019 at 4:19 PM, Sarkis Sarkissian said:

And regarding the IP Address which I placed, when I ping it from my computer I get response, but I dont know why it is not working. 

You have address in Ethernet settings, maybe it's a typo.

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You should not fill both, Client and Server configuration. Only one. In this case for Server.

We managed online session today and established TCP Online communication between U90Ladder and PLC.

Unfortunately I have no LabView experience and cannot help with it.

May be somebody did it? If yes - please share experience.

*I found by Google ( search for  "labview modbus tcp read"):

"Basic MODBUS TCP/IP Read Holding Register using LabVIEW"


May be this will help.


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