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Samba SM43-RA22 and IO-D16A3-R16

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I have to add I / O on an SM43-RA22.
My supplier sold me an extension for can-open to be placed in the SM43, V100-17-CAN.
I also have an EX-RC1 module and finally the I / O module IO-D16A-R016.

Do you have a procedure for implementation?

I found that :
They use Visiologic and Unilogic but me my project is only Visiologic    ????????

Thank you for your help 



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  • MVP 2023

I've never tried it out of the box, but you should be able to.  The network ID of the RC1 is set via the dip switches, and you can point Visilogic at it using the Communication settings dialog box-


The SM43 should work as a bridge.  Just remember to keep your programs and your com settings straight when you're going from one to the other.

Joe T.

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