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Vision230 - Ethernet Card install issue

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I've physically installed an Ethernet card (V200-19-ET2) into a Vision230. Operating System is 5.04(B33) and hardware is 'A'

However, the Ethernet card doesn't appear to be seen. Also, when in Run mode, SB141 Serial Card Exists has a value of zero.

In 'Info mode' I see settings for

  • Serial Port 1
  • Serial Port 2
  • Serial Port 3
  • Canbus Badrate

The Ethernet card doesn't appear.

This is a used Vision230, but does appear to be working ok. The Ethernet card is new

Is there something I have to do (other than physical installation) to have the card recognized?)




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  • MVP 2023

There are a ridiculous number of pins that have to engage properly - and they are small and fragile. Pull the thing apart, carefully inspect it, then re-install. There is no additional action you must take for the card to be recognized. SB 141 is what you should look at (as you state).

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21 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

There are a ridiculous number of pins that have to engage properly - and they are small and fragile. Pull the thing apart, carefully inspect it, then re-install. There is no additional action you must take for the card to be recognized. SB 141 is what you should look at (as you state).

Thanks for the quick reply.

I've just double checked; all pins are straight and appear to be engaging.

I've also noticed that if I plug a CAT45 cable from the card into my switch, no LED's light (at the switch - there don't appear to be any on the PLC end).

Sadly, I suspect I have a DOA Ethernet card. I do have one other Vision230 with Ethernet (this one was bought as a spare for that). I'll try swapping the Ethernet cards to determine if that is at fault, but just wanted to determine that I wasn't missing something obvious first.




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Took the Ethernet card out of my production PLC, and put it into the new test PLC - worked perfectly.

However,  I've noticed a couple of things:

a) The working Ethernet card is a V200-19-ET1. The one the doesn't work is V200-19-ET2. Could that make a difference?

b) With the working Ethernet card in the production PLC, I took a look in Info Mode - and the card doesn't show up there either (but it does work when initialized in ladder)

Is it perhaps the case that the ET2 card doesn't work in some V230s?




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There's definitely something odd here.

The ET1 works in both of the V230's I have (in that the LED's illuminate, and the ladder logic can initiate it and it then can be used for communication). However, it does NOT appear in the "Info Mode" menu on either unit, unlike the screen captures from kratmel.

The ET2 does not work (at all) in my test PLC; I've not yet tried it in the production RTU  (I'll try that tomorrow).

Kratmel: Do you know if the ET2 works (in ladder) on your unit? (or if the LEDs on the card illuminate)?

If it does, then I think I should assume I have a bad card. If it doesn't, I think I have to assume that the ET2 is not compatible with the V230's that I have

Ausman: You wondered if this was firmware related. Do you mean the OS version on the PLCs, or something else (the OS's are both the same)

Thanks to all for your comments - hoping I can get to the bottom of this





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Kratmel - many thanks.

So, I assume that as my V230's are upgraded to v5.04 B33 by Visilogic, then they can't be upgraded beyond that? (perhaps a hardware limitation?) (in the Info Screen it says Hardware (A)

If so, then I guess that as 5.04.33 < 5.4.55 then I can't use the NT2 in these units.... :-(



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  • MVP 2023

Thanks for that Kratmel,   I went looking for it the other day but got distracted by issues encountered with the website.

I have a much older 230 on my spares shelf, and am going to get it out and have some playtime, to see some things for myself some time today.

Will advise what I find.

cheers, Aus

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