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PLC connection error


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Hey All,

Just had a strange experience while installing Remote Access onto a PC.

Now this PC is one I use as my normal workstation, email/office/CAD/etc, but not my PLC stuff,
but I do have an older version of Visilogic (9.8.31) installed that I use to get online
to look at something in the plant without disturbing what I'm doing on my programming PC.

Now I just finished a little project (a water meter using a Dwyer Ultrasonic Flowmeter, connected to a V350)
that I was going to setup Remote Access for a manager to be able to remote into...

So, just for testing purposes I decided to do an install of Remote Access on my workstation (yes, installed as admin).
Install went ok, I opened Remote Access and added the PLC to the Favorites list
(which already was populated with a half dozen PLCs from the Vision Install),
but when I select this (or any) PLC from the list and click on the Get OPLC Information button,
I get a warning message that "No PlC is currently selected in Connection-PC settings".

If I open up Visilogic and try to check connection with any of these PLCs I get a similar message.

My instincts are to do a good uninstall (RevoUninstaller) and start over, but thought I'd solicit opinions first.





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  • MVP 2023
4 minutes ago, Joe Tauser said:

often when one of the Unitronics programs starts throwing up errors I run the Visilogic Version Swapper for the same version I'm using and it fixes things. 

Yep, that's the first thing I always try when the (all too frequent) weird errors start popping up. I also keep a copy of a known good installation for each VisiLogic version on a separate drive (the entire folder from the Programs Files (x86) folder) and copy over the one that's messed up. One of those two usually solves the problem quickly. Because I have that backup known good installation available, I NEVER have to uninstall/reinstall VisiLogic.

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, John_R said:

what's the second thing you try?


3 hours ago, Flex727 said:

I also keep a copy of a known good installation for each VisiLogic version on a separate drive (the entire folder from the Programs Files (x86) folder) and copy over the one that's messed up.

The problem is that requires advance preparation.

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  • MVP 2023

JohnR, what you are describing is classic case of what I have banged on about before.  I suggest you have a good read of this post/topic and fiddle with the .evb.


What I have found in the past is that the evb file for Remote Access doesn't actually relate that well to the one that is used by other programs.  It seems to sort of stand alone in the way it works, even though it appears to reference the main one as well.  I mentioned it in here:


cheers, Aus

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On 9/11/2020 at 2:01 PM, Flex727 said:
On 9/11/2020 at 10:14 AM, Flex727 said:

I also keep a copy of a known good installation for each VisiLogic version on a separate drive (the entire folder from the Programs Files (x86) folder) and copy over the one that's messed up.

The problem is that requires advance preparation.

Yes Flex, I keep archived installs also... just seemed odd that it happened when I installed Remote Access


On 9/11/2020 at 2:06 PM, Joe Tauser said:

Is this Win 10?

Did you install the latest version of Remote Access or a previous one?

Yes, Win 10, and just downloaded the latest version from Unitronics website...


On 9/11/2020 at 5:26 PM, Ausman said:

JohnR, what you are describing is classic case of what I have banged on about before.  I suggest you have a good read of this post/topic and fiddle with the .evb.


And the winner is.... Aus.....😌

Renamed the .evb file and created new, problem solved....


Thanks guys...

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  • 1 year later...
  • MVP 2023

Just for everyone's sake, I'm noting a recent instance of this behaviour I had. 

I use a little 2 in 1 for occasional "roaming" online access whilst on job sites.  I cranked it up last week for the first time in months but found exactly the same messages John encountered......."No PLC is currently selected in Connection-PC settings".    I could not understand how this had happened because the last time I used it everything was working correctly. 

Ponderings .....

1).  This 2 in 1 has an easily overlooked behaviour of taking a little while to fully shut down, as there is only one tiny led that is on during shutdown, and even that goes off before the unit is fully off.  I have had instances where I have thought it was finished and have closed the lid, only to discover later that it had gone into sleep mode because of the lid action, and consequently run the battery flat.  Sleep seems to work regardless of where it is in the shutdown process.  Perhaps in doing this after Unitronics use, this somehow corrupts the evb file.  I can't see how, as I have write caching disabled.  But wait.....

2).  By being a good boy and doing an occasional W10 update when I think it is needed,  my favourite people at M$oft re-enabled write caching on the unit without telling me.  They are very good at continually changing user settings to what they want, and it annoys me no end.  (I'm using very polite language about this, the real thing is a stream of invective!)  I did an update on the 2 in 1 about 6 months ago, and the caching must have turned on back then.  I didn't do it!    #$%H$#   M$oft did.     Ooops...rude language.

3).  The possibility therefore exists that this issue might be related to incorrect shutdowns occurring with some info getting lost if caching is on.

I have yet to explore the differences in the evb file itself b/n corrupted and ok.  Perhaps I'll find that it isn't a corruption of the evb at all, but rather something happening within programs that reference the evb, and not being shutdown properly affects their use of the evb.

I'll put further thoughts up when I get some time.

cheers, Aus


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