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  • MVP 2023

I'm not saying that's the problem, but that's the first thing I'd check. Try wiggling the cable at both ends and along the length while the PLC is in operation to see if you can induce the problem. If not, then you might look for a source of electrical interference, such as a nearby VFD or other poorly shielded RF source.

Do you also have a Snap-In module installed?

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  • MVP 2023
Just now, Guilherme said:

It's necessary install this Module?

No. There's two different types of I/O modules available - "Snap-In" modules and "Expansion" modules. Depending on your project requirements, you can have either or both. Sometimes the Snap-In modules can work lose and cause problems, so that is why I was asking.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/25/2021 at 3:59 PM, Flex727 said:

No. There's two different types of I/O modules available - "Snap-In" modules and "Expansion" modules. Depending on your project requirements, you can have either or both. Sometimes the Snap-In modules can work lose and cause problems, so that is why I was asking.

The project contain 3 IO modules Digital, and I already tested the expansion cable. But the fails still happening 

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  • MVP 2023
11 hours ago, Guilherme said:

already tested the expansion cable

Does this mean it is a correct one like Flex has said?

Are the module interconnections all firmly seated.

Is the Power supply correctly applied everywhere and of sufficient capacity?

Set up logging of I/Os to see if the failure is attributable to the same one all the time, which would indicate a fault on that one.

In your photo it does not show the RUN S.C. leds on the first module. Is the RUN green like the others?


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  • MVP 2023


1 What expansion module used EX-A1X or EX-A2X?  EX-A2X is isolated and more stable.

2 How much W is power supply capacity? If it low - install NEW another one with more A on 24VDC outputs

3 Is it possible that on output present relay or valve coils without diode clamp?  If Yes - install diode clsmp to all coils

4 Is it some VFD installed near PLC - if Yes - please connect -24V power supply wire to machine GROUND (EARTH).

5 Is it possible that on some output present short circuit? And some times PLC  activate this output and restart PLC with error?


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  • 9 months later...

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