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IP change by software update USB port


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We will update the software by using an USB-stick into the USB port.
This is working easily and good.
The only issue is that by doing this, the IP address is changed into the IP what is set into the software.
I have tried several options by making the USB file, normally I only use “Update PLC Application”.
Even so did try several options at communications checks, but al have the same result.
Software is updating and after that the IP is going to the default IP what’s in the software.
Is there an option that only the software is updated and not the IP.
When we change the software i.e. at 10 machines we get all same IP addresses.
Strange that at software update the IP is changed, is there a way to do this on the right way, only update the software without the IP. 



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  • MVP 2023

leen, I'm not a Unistream user at all, but I would first be checking this concept from the ground up.

My understanding of what you are saying is that by updating the program in the PLC, the existing IP info is being set to what the Unilogic program defaults to, regardless of what you have tickboxes set at.  Is this correct?

Set up an essentially blank program that you can play with where you will change just one element.  Do the update and see what happens. The whole point of doing something like this is to prove that it is not something in your program that is upsetting things.  If the issue persists, and you vary tickboxes etc without effect, then perhaps it is a bug that needs to be explored.  If the issue goes away then your program is at fault somehow.

I've had times where something isn't working quite right, and I explore the issue by reworking that part of a ladder on it's own from the ground up.  I invariably find that I've misnamed or cross-referenced something, or left something out that I was sure I'd done.

If it turns out to truly be a bug, you might have to do a work-around that makes the user slightly involved in the update.

Without knowing exactly how to do this in Unilogic, surely it would not be too difficult to have the user press a screen button that stores all IP info into an area that you know won't be upset by the USB update, perhaps even onto the stick.  After the update, either the program does it itself, or the user again pushes the button which restores the info in such a way that it is retained and applied on every power-up.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
On 12/22/2021 at 12:45 AM, leen said:

Yes, I uncheck the "write Panel IP and "write CUP IP".

Furter I tried to use "write Panel and CPU IP", this checked and unchecked, but both not working.

The IP is reading and saved in a file, but stil the IP is setted what's in the software.

You need to bring this up with Official Unitronics Support as it needs to be addressed.  We're just unpaid volunteers here.

Email everything you have to support@unitronics.com.


Joe T.

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