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[SOLVED] V700 Modbus TCP/IP slave

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1 hour ago, Joe Tauser said:

I installed version 9.8.94 and was able to open the program.  I also looked at the V700 Example for Modbus TCP slave and it does not assign port 502 to socket 2, which is a conflict of the Help description of default port 20258 as you describe.

Are you using one of the canned Modbus masters as mentioned above?  Have you loaded the V700 with some data?  I usually load up MI 0.. MI9 with the values 1 to 10 when establishing first contact and set the Modbus master to read 10 registers starting with 40001.


I wonder if the Creators even tested this example.  I don't have a V700 in my home smoke-filled workspace cave but I can grab one from the office.  I'll have to get back to you on this.  I am now extremely curious.

Joe T.

There is some data on those registers


This is the connection config using Modbus poll (I believe that is what you mean by canned Modbus master):


This is the read configuration


P.S. : I'm gonna try the older more stable version.

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21 minutes ago, Ausman said:

I'm assuming you've tried a different network ID other than 255. I don't use TCP for modbus but this looks odd.  Someone explain the 255 ID use to me in this case...I'd like to learn something.  Why do a general ask and not a specific one?

And Joe, I only have 8.65 as you mention, but by trying to open the file I get an error message and things close on screen, you then have to go to task manager to actually end the task, double click the project again and up come other messages along the way to opening the project ok.  This has always been my consistent way to read later version projects.  Perhaps some info gets lost along the way that is only available in later versions, but it will show me basics.

cheers, Aus

Yes I've tried.


16 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the network ID is not used for MODBUS TCP. I've always just left it at 255.

That did not work for me going from 9.8.91 to 9.8.94. It used to work for earlier versions.

I'm hoping 9.8.94 fixed some of the glaring problems with 9.8.91 and will be trying it out on my next major project.

In the V130 working software if I put 255 in the address and don't use it in my client I get empty response, but if I put something (not just 255) I get the correct answer. with V700 I've tried this variations too.

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23 minutes ago, Ausman said:

I know I'm a dumbo on this sort of thing, but one difference I see b/n the example and this project is that there is no Slave TCP address reference in the IP config area.  In the example there is.  Does this matter?

No it doesn't. That's only used when the PLC is a MODBUS Master.

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17 minutes ago, Ausman said:

Thanks Flex.

I know I'm a dumbo on this sort of thing, but one difference I see b/n the example and this project is that there is no Slave TCP address reference in the IP config area.  In the example there is.  Does this matter?

I supposed that is relevant only when using as Modbus Master, but I'm trying to set it up as Slave.

Anyway I've tried setting the address as per the example, and still no luck.

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I try to read Bug report, it is solved in new Vislogic

VisiLogic V9.8.94 Bugs Fixed
• Fonts: In some cases, fonts were not shown correctly in VisiLogic.
Socket Init: if this was set to PCOM, Modbus did not work.

I think something new Ethernet based is added to Visilogic after 9.8.65....

And now this changes make some trouble in "standard" application.

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12 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

This is confusing to me. What is the USB connection? Between what & what? What is the full path of connection to the PLC?

On site I have a notebook directly connected to the PLC using standard micro USB cable. On that notebook I have Visilogic running and doing the tests we've been talking about.
To that notebook I connect from my home computer using Anydesk (a remote desktop software).

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20 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

I can't send you a whole program, but here is the part that matters.

MODBUS Slave for Javier.vlp 234.08 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks, really appreciate it. I've perused this program and see no relevant difference to my software.


15 minutes ago, kratmel said:

I try to read Bug report, it is solved in new Vislogic

VisiLogic V9.8.94 Bugs Fixed
• Fonts: In some cases, fonts were not shown correctly in VisiLogic.
Socket Init: if this was set to PCOM, Modbus did not work.

I think something new Ethernet based is added to Visilogic after 9.8.65....

And now this changes make some trouble in "standard" application.

Now seeing this and with everything Flex has said, I'm definitely gonna try downgrading to 9.8.65 and see If that is the issue. Although his is gonna have to wait until monday  when I have physical access to the PLC, to also check info mode and try to downgrade my software.

Until then, THANKS VERY MUCH guys, you've been so helpful and nice It has been a really lovely experience for being my first time here.

Best Regards to all of you.

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23 minutes ago, Javier Galaz said:

I've perused this program and see no relevant difference to my software.

Yep, it looked to me like your program should work also.

23 minutes ago, Javier Galaz said:

Until then, THANKS VERY MUCH guys, you've been so helpful and nice It has been a really lovely experience for being my first time here.

We try, but I wish we could have solved your problem.

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On 1/30/2022 at 9:33 AM, Javier Galaz said:

And info mode is not supported in online mode.

Why doesn't that work? My limited use of Anydesk has it operating things ok.  But I don't use touchscreen models at all.

And good luck with the downgrade.  Hopefully your project will open OK in 8.65.

cheers, Aus

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14 hours ago, Ausman said:

Why doesn't that work? My limited use of Anydesk has it operating things ok.  But I don't use touchscreen models at all.

Don't know, when I tried to go to info mode from visilogic using the "Online Test" it simply says, "No can't do" xD


14 hours ago, Ausman said:

And good luck with the downgrade.  Hopefully your project will open OK in 8.65.

today's the big day, let's see what happens.

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34 minutes ago, Javier Galaz said:

Don't know, when I tried to go to info mode from visilogic using the "Online Test" it simply says, "No can't do" xD

VisiLogic uses "Remote Access"  - try using "Remote Operator" (a small stand-alone utility that Unitronics provides). I can't recall off the top of my head, but it seems to me that Remote Operator will allow access to INFO Mode, but it's been a long time since I tried that and I may be mistaken.

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That's odd.  Screenshot below of me getting into a 130 info mode remotely.  I have complained in the past about how some key pushes that I have set up to need long push on site happen instantly in Remote Access, this being one of them.  It makes the use of multiple long pushes not possible if remote access is needed.  In this case on site I have it set for a 10 second push, Remote it is instant.  Wondering if something has changed in later versions, I use 9.8.10.  And using something like Anydesk should in theory work fine, especially the way Javier has it set up.  I know this is a bit of digression from the topic, but it is weird, and perhaps is definitely related to non-touch vs touch.

Cheers, Aus



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Hey @Javier Galaz, did you were able to fix your issue, i have a bunch of V700 so i can help you, also I was able to succesfully connecyt a network with near 200 PLC some of them v700 som of them v570, and I can tell you that i have some issues with network connectivity with  the v700 ( I dont think it will be relevant to your case but change the IP or reconncect  if you lost connection will requiere some specific steps to reconnect with v700).


Anyway since I am jumping late to this trhread just let me know if you still need help and send me an update version of your program.


Also when I was testing for troubleshooting my application  on the PC side I used Codesys (wich happns to be the software wich i am most familiar with) with a virtual PLC to test my modbus protocol communication.



by the way take whatever you read on the documentation with a grain of salt, I ve seen issues with translation and misleading information (Or maybe its me since i am not a native english speaker), also I have spoted some "bugs" on v700 software so on my short experiencie of unitronics a lot of time of testing and debugging is required


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8 hours ago, Flex727 said:

As a heavy user of V700 PLCs, I sure would be interested in your findings.

I posted while ago an issue on the linear functions ussing relatively "big" numbers and for big i mean smaller than the ones that are supported accordingly to documentation.

Using remote operator if you enter a numerical entry with v570 you can use the keyboard, with v700 you can just type the very first number, then the system does not react to the next ones.

This is not necessarily a "bug" but the sd browser function embedded on the PLC screen was designed on a smaller resolution so v700 shrinks it on the middle of the screen and then the filenames are out of the buttons... it's annoying

Using Modbus TCP I need to use a very specific logic to reset or "refresh" the connection if I wanted to change the IP in a screen on my program (v570 works without that custom patch)..


Also, I feel like, the touch screen randomly stopping working after a download shouldn't be a thing in a PLC... at all. First time I faced that with one PLC/HMI.


Just today I am having a headache trying to figure out why I have problems with serial communication on one machine, on my latest software revision, (have a couple of machines running exactly the same version of software and hardware and no problems with serial comm). so far the issue seems to be traced to "protocol scan" not receiving a "valid message" which is funny because I can clearly read the value on the info mode screen, and it is exactly what I have programmed to look for. If that is solved by downloading a blank project I am going to bang my head with the wall... 

anyway, I am not a big fan of unitronics, but like to be challenged. I am really trying to like it (Don't have any other options though)



Sorry for the off topic @Javier Galaz I think i found your problem, I wasnt able to test it because was on a newer softwer hopefuly tomorrow I could test it and let you know.

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Hi all!!, @Javier Galaz Havent been able to download your program yet, but i did find some interesting, that I will qualify as another "bug".


In order to downoad your program I needed to upgrade to a more recent version of visilogic, and in order to connect to my plc with that new version I needed to upgrade the OS of the PLC.

to my surprisse, when upgrading the OS my Modbus communication stopped working!!. so I rolled back to my previos well known version and modbus worked again!. 

I just changed the OS, my application is still the same



this is the response from PC side while ussing OS V 4.10.36 (most recent one)



so, I would downgrade to unitronics visilogic 9.8.91 build 0 and OS V4.8.10, that is working for me.

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1 hour ago, Fernando Castro said:

to my surprisse, when upgrading the OS my Modbus communication stopped working!!. so I rolled back to my previos well known version and modbus worked again!

I just checked this with a V570 as MODBUS Master and a V1210 as the MODBUS Slave using port 502 and VisiLogic 9.8.94 with the upgraded firmware (by necessity). It all worked perfectly. When I get more time I'll dig out two of my V700s and try that (I just happened to be working a V1210 project so that PLC was hooked up and readily available).

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