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v570 upload using visilogic 9.7 version

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How can we check in which version is the program is written ? We have bought a complete new machine which has unitronics v570 plc and some modules. I have no idea in which version of visilogic the program was written. Just want to take plc backup (upload to my pc) for emergency measures.

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, Sarvesh said:

Just want to take plc backup (upload to my pc) for emergency measures.

Whether or not upload to PC is available is determined at the time of the program download to the PLC. The default is to NOT allow upload, but the person who downloaded could have changed that (but likely not).

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  • MVP 2023

If there is a mini SD card in the slot, you may already have a backup of the program on that.  It all depends on how much info your machine maker wants to provide.

Also, a way to find what will be the likely best version of Visilogic to use is to access the Info mode of the PLC, and navigate to System and software versions.  Using this info and relating it to the Excel sheet in the following link might help narrow things down.



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