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MQTT, the role of Unistream: Broker, server, client


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I'm newbie of the MQTT protocol, I have reading something on internet for a new application with unistream and MQTT protocol.

On the help file I read: "UniStream supports MQTT as a 'client' that can both publish, and subscribe, to messages."

OK it's clear, so I nead of a local broker (for istance: a raspberry pi and mosquitto).

Then I try to study an example of unilogic software where I read: "UniStream can be configure to be a MQTT server."

So, what does it mean as "server"?

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Fabios,


Then I try to study an example of unilogic software where I read: "UniStream can be configure to be a MQTT server."

Can you refer me to the screen? Its a mistake. UniStream can only act as an MQTT client. In MQTT the terminology is Broker, and not Server - There are a lot on resources on network on MQTT broker manner.

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Yes UniStream can only act as client. With the word server I can imagine that the plc is the client that  governs the system, reads values from some clients and writes other values to other MQTT clients.




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On 5/23/2022 at 8:53 PM, Joe Tauser said:

I so miss the terms "Master" and "Slave".....

They are very clear, if not politically correct.  Modbus is the last holdout.

In a business relationship, is the Client the Master or the Slave?  Guess it depends.


Joe T.

On my first approach to these new terminologies I was a little bit confused too but its quite easy ... The client requests, then the server serves, so the server is the slave and the client is the master.


Therefore, in a business relationship the Client is the master 😅

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