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CSV File Output In different Line

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

Not quite - why are you triggering the first write with the second write's success bit?

Sometimes when you call two separate functions that use external hardware (like the SD interface) you have to put a small delay in between the calls - like half a second or so.

If you post your code I can edit to show what I mean.  I'm not going to enter all that logic just for a screenshot.

Joe T.

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2 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

Not quite - why are you triggering the first write with the second write's success bit?

Sometimes when you call two separate functions that use external hardware (like the SD interface) you have to put a small delay in between the calls - like half a second or so.

If you post your code I can edit to show what I mean.  I'm not going to enter all that logic just for a screenshot.

Joe T.


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  • MVP 2023

You need to do something like this: 



Keep in mind that I haven't inspected your function blocks to see if they're right, just added the logic for triggering the writes. The Set & Reset bits may not be necessary, but it's good practice when there are gating contacts between the trigger and the desired function.

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