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Data collection using V120-12-R1?

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As pointed out above, Data Collection is possible using the Data Tables  you can create.

Note the following:       V120 Series is an older series.     NO   Ethernet Option, NO  Micro SD Card  Slot

                                                  Getting the data out of the V120 will have to be done via the RS232/RS485   Com Port - Serial.


Upgrade                               V130-J-TR2      -- Ethernet Option (V100-17-ET2) ,     Micro SD Card Slot,   ability to use the   SD Card Utility program.

                                                 or any other  Vision Enchanced Mode  OPLC l(V350, V430, etc)


 SAMBA Series can be used if the data is limited and the program not complex - SAMBA has Severe memory imits, and No Micro SD Card Slot, but   Ethernet (V100-17-ET2)  is an option.  SAMBA  has No Options for additional I/O.        ( Remote I/O can be considered, but at the expense of the limited internal memory you will be left with to use)





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  • MVP 2023

Additional historical information - the V120-12-R1 is really old.  I checked my price sheet archives and the part number changed to V120-22-R1 back in 2006 when there was a major hardware revision.  I don't remember what that was.  I would not use this PLC for anything other than a trainer.

As Flex says, it is "possible" to do what you want but you'll spend way more time trying to stack the data up and then getting it out the serial port. 

Go with any of the newer PLCs that have a micro SD card. 

Joe T. 

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