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V120, On-line connection with Ethernet to RS232 converter

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I have an old V120-22-R1
I want to connect to it using an  Ethernet to RS232 converter,  I use a GNOME232 https://en.papouch.com/gnome232-ethernet-to-rs232-converter-p4615/
The Ethernet RS232 port is setup with Lantronix driver software, no problem to find the converter on my network
I use Windows 10 pro (VM ware)
Hardware setup is PC->Network-> GNOME232 -> Original Unitronics RS232 cable -> V120
I have used the cable directly from a PC COM port a couple of years ago

I have search the net for the RS232 setup for the V120, but the only thing I can find is the Baud Rate, is there no setup for  Data bits, Parity, Stop bits & Flow control?


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Maybe this is my problem.
In Visilogic, there is always a modem running on Com1,
when I hang up, the modem stops for a very short time, but automatic dial again?

I cannot stop the modem nor edit the data?
Which connection does Visilogic use?, Serial or Modem?

This doesn't really make any sense


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  • MVP 2023

I think you need to test your RS232 port.

Please found terminal program and set  COM port.

Try to connect TX and RX pin in RS232 DB9 connector (pin2 connect to pin3).

Type any symbol in TX and send it to port - you must see the same symbol in RX menu. If you do not see sended symbol in RX display - your hardware-software configuration is not correct or Ethernet to RS232 adapter is damaged.


P.S. Is it this adapter correctly powered?


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  • MVP 2023

My input on this is that the reference to the modem you are seeing is there all the time, but users don't often notice it.  I've always figured it's the way the connection is done internally in Visilogic.  If connections are slow, you can see it very briefly on disconnect and then it disappears.  I would suggest that you go into Connection/Modem services and choose a com port there that is not used in your PC at all.  Ensure it is not the one designated in Visilogic for your normal serial work, and is a free one by making sure hidden connections are also shown when using Device Manager.  For me this hasn't made a difference, but at least it ensures there is no potential conflict going on and it is still simply Visi doing it's thing.

My thoughts on the connection issue is that the Gnome is too sophisticated to do the job wanted.  In particular, the web page you've linked to says it needs configuration via the web interface.  Way too clever for what is needed!!    You want a simple  usb to serial converter based on the Prolific chip.  If you query google using "Prolific USB to serial converter" you'll find lots of options.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

And a PS to all of it.  For the price of the gnome you could easily get an old laptop with a native serial port.  Many users on the forum have such things, purely used for the multiple older systems we service that only use serial.  It's a constant issue faced with newer PCs/laptops etc.  Makers ignore the fact that serial ports are still needed by many people in the real  world, but because it's an "older, out of date" comms method they don't include them.  Grrr.

cheers, Aus

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