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Oh My, Who Would Have Thought.....


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Hey All,

After just surpassing my two year mark into retirement, I've been recently re-organizing my home workshop.
Those of you who have been involved with designing/building things for sometime, know the amount of "stuff" that can accumulate in the dark-seldom-explored-corners of your workshop (me, almost 50yrs, and yes, I've come across stuff from the mid-70's).

Yesterday, I was looking for something-I-know-is-there-but-can't-find-it, and of course, I didn't find it,  but I did come across lots of stuff that I-saved-because-I-know-someday-I-will-use-it,  and have decided that I'll never use some of this stuff, so I have put some things on ebay (fun-money/beer-money is better than stuff I will never use)...

Anyway, one of the things I stumbled upon was a bag with 10-12 of the Unitronics programming cables (RS232-CBL), and it seems to be a common thing here that some newbie asks what they need to connect their newly found Uni-PLC to their PC, so I figured I could list them on ebay for a few dollars (yes, I know,  they came free with the PLC's, and when I retired I had a box of 50+ of these on the shelf at work).

I'm not looking to make a big profit on these,  just thought there would be a market. Heck, if someone here needs one, just pay the shipping and I'll send it...

I went on ebay and did a search for "Unitronics RS232-CBL", and was surprised what value this "free" commodity could fetch....

This one is from Australia (may be a good resource for you Aus 😉);



Just Had to Share That... Things that make me laugh..



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  • MVP 2023
8 hours ago, John_R said:


8 hours ago, John_R said:


8 hours ago, John_R said:


I specifically highlighted statements that are absolutely true.


8 hours ago, John_R said:

ebay (fun-money/beer-money is better than stuff I will never use)...

And it was because of such cases that I was able to get almost all type Vision PLCs  series for my laboratory (cave).

Therefore, the philosophical question is who will need them when I am going to retire. :) 

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  • MVP 2023
14 hours ago, kratmel said:

are absolutely true.


I know all you youngies reading this will go "silly, forgetful old farts", but one day you'll be like this and by then you might have picked up some of what Kratmel will be offering "when I am going to retire!"

My wife is constantly frustrated with my collection, and best describes it as "Imagine having in your workshop a few of each item available in your local big hardware store , then pick up the workshop and shake it around a bit, turn it upside down then right way up, then put it back down".

I am the first to confess there is an element of truth to this!  I think it comes from keeping worksites completely clean and beautiful, but somehow it lapses a bit in my own place.  Never enough time.  And I'm sticking to that excuse!

I am also of the firm belief that that thing I-saved-(ages ago) because-I-know-someday-I-will-use-it only pops into your mind again around some of the following ideas.  Did the brain:

a) work on it for ages and finally remind you of it's location and existence?

b) keep in mind a particular immediate use for it.... when it eventually resurfaced so you put the job off?

c)  a happy combination of a & b and a perfectly reliable memory system at work finding it immediately on needing it......"See, I told you I'd use it one day!"

But sometimes for me it's:  "Oh poop, here's this thing I knew I had and spent ages looking for....bummer I found it a day after I eventually gave up and bought a new one to use!"

As for that ebay site, did you check out the other stuff available?  Jeepers Creepers!  And most of it is "used".  Wow!  Someone is pretty optimistic.

cheers, Aus


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On 1/30/2023 at 3:50 AM, Ausman said:

But sometimes for me it's:  "Oh poop, here's this thing I knew I had and spent ages looking for....bummer I found it a day after I eventually gave up and bought a new one to use!

Sometimes? That's GAP!!!


On 1/30/2023 at 3:50 AM, Ausman said:

My wife is constantly frustrated with my collection,

I'm the wife in that configuration. If I am not around to locate whatever he's looking for...well, that's why we have about 800 putty knives lurking in the dark corners of this joint...


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